The #UKIM will establish a new “Office for the Internal Market” within the @CMAgovUK.

The exact powers of this body will be set out in the bill. However areas of oversight are stated in the press release to include consumer protection, food, animal welfare and the environment.
Not all powers repatriated from the European Commission are to be held in Westminster.

Under the UK Internal Market Bill, the Devolved Administrations will gain new powers in respect of
air quality, energy efficiency of buildings and elements of employment law.
Expect lots of discussion of the Sewel Convention in the coming days (explained below).

The @scotgov has already said it won’t support a consent motion on the subject.
The Government also proposes to use the bill to set out how it will replace the EU funds, such as #ERDF.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund ( #UKSPF) will, as a minimum, match existing national allocations. But will England’s regions receive the same amounts? 
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