There has been a noticeable change in tactics by the Seattle Police Department in the past month, beginning shortly after the city council voted to cut the police budget by a mere 1%. This is a thread documenting the unrepentant violence they've committed in just the past month.
On August 12th, Seattle Police use an unmarked GMC Yukon to attempt to hit people on the sidewalk near Cal Anderson park. The officer admits to driving on the sidewalk, then brags about getting paid $200,000 a year to "babysit."
Later that night, the Yukon is involved in a violent incident in which private security backs up Seattle Police. The private security company also drives on the sidewalk, almost hitting people, which sparks a confrontation leading to arrests.
A few nights later, the same group of officers follows a protest march around Capitol Hill, eventually arresting several Car Brigade drivers, breaking at least one car window. No charges were filed.
The next day, a Seattle Police officer assaults a bystander at Cal Anderson, setting off a chaotic scene that leads to the arrest of a black man, who is subsequently kept in solitary confinement for days after the arrest.
A couple days later, protesters march to police union headquarters. They are ordered to disperse, despite police blocking their exits. Widespread, indiscriminate violence ensues for miles, as police attack protesters, legal observers, and the press.
Later that night, Seattle Police patrol the CID, violently arresting anyone they suspect of being a protester. This gruesome scene was captured on film, showing a group of officers slamming protesters into a wall, then punching them on the ground.
The following week, protesters gathered at the State Patrol headquarters to hold a candlelight vigil for a fellow protester killed a month earlier. Seattle Police attack without warning, deploying explosives and pepper-spray against the peaceful vigil.
A few days later, Seattle Police storm Cal Anderson, dismantling mutual aid stations that had been helping the homeless community. Multiple violent arrests are made, without cause. Seattle Police are also seen eating donated food intended for the homeless.
Last night, when demonstrators returned to protest at the union headquarters, they were immediately attacked by police without any warning. Police claimed to have found molotov cocktails, but provided no evidence they were used at the union headquarters.
Again, all of this wanton violence comes on the heels of Seattle's city council voting to defund the department by a measly 1%. To make matters more absurd, Mayor Durkan vetoed that 1% cut, and the council has yet to overturn the veto, so no changes have taken place.
I hope our elected leaders understand the stakes here. I hope they see how SPD has brazenly escalated, clearly retaliating against even the smallest of budget cuts. If city council fails to make substantial cuts, SPD will only be emboldened to accelerate this campaign of terror.
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