Reminder what the "experts" had to say about the science of masking from ~March/April. A thread


Dr. Fauci
A veritable feast from former CDC director Tom Friedman, written the first week of April in his 'Science Weekly' journal on 

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams was adamant about masks...

Of course there is Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden who all believe masks are pointless and do not mandate them.

WHO did not support mask wearing very strongly in March, either

Neither did a number of science journals, including one study in April in the NEJM

And like everyone else, the CDC stated very strongly masks did not stop the spread of viruses. Surgical masks were for prevention and protection against the wearer from bacteria and *large* droplets. After all, a 3 micron mask is not meant to prevent small 0.1 micron virus.

As of April 3, OSHA agreed. Surgical masks were not meant for aerosol protection.

Did the science on years of masking studies change? 'Experts' can't cite why/how the science on how 3 micron masks suddenly became effective overnight stopping .1 viruses but some say the science changed. Others say they were merely lying to save H/C workers. Which is it?

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