This thread will explain why the People's Republic of China exists within Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and is one of the last existing AES. (Actual Existing Socialism). This will bring 4 topics, economical, social, political and global.
The first issue we have to tackle is economical. Although people have claimed that China has economically shifted to capitalism, this is a lie. First off, we have to stablish that in China, all agricultura lalnd is communally owned and that the state owns the urban land.
China's economy, theorically, is based around Market Socialism. It follows the ideals of Marxism within a basis of a different economic policy, that brings with it the existance of markets, while retaining a DOTP and state/union control on the economy.
It is a lie that China's economy is mostly private, it is made of heavily state-owned companies, their 12 biggest ones being conglomerates of SOEs and Huawei, being worker-owned by an union that is subjugated to the chinese state. https://www.ft.com/content/31407684-8101-11e7-a4ce-15b2513cb3ff
China's economy also follows a planned element. The latest five years plans were not focused on reform, rather on sustainable development, poverty erradication and infrastructural buildup, all those focuses were only possible due to state guidance.
About social minorities, the Uyghur situation is often seen as supression, when it is not. Most of it comes from propaganda against China, mainly from the US media and the government, known to lie and manipulate against China, when in reality, they are not supressing them.
China, as seen by many muslim countries, are actually helping the Uyghurs. The PRC has liberated Tibetans from serfdom and slavery, while mantaining peace in a terrorist (Al Qaeda and ISIL ridden) Xinjiang. The Uyghurs themselves acknowledge it.
It is no surprise that the Communist Party of China is one of the strongest marxist organizations, it has 90 million workers on it and has implemented their socialist teachings on all aspects of society, specially the government. https://news.cgtn.com/news/33556a4e7a494464776c6d636a4e6e62684a4856/share_p.html
About the billionaire issue, China has been reducing their power, sistematically eliminating them and they have little to no say in the affairs of the country. Their empires have been nationalized, their business cut down and per capita, China has little. https://www.ft.com/content/4335d364-e7d4-11e6-893c-082c54a7f539
China is helping Africa develop and it is seen positively by other Africans, while they give an opportunity, jobs, diplomatic ties and fund african projects for development, the west pillages it and makes up lies about ''neocolonialism from china'' https://twitter.com/NathanielSoviet/status/1300080207815204871
About Nepal, China has assisted it's Communist Government ever since 2006 and the false news about it sending weapons to the other side is BBC (british state) propaganda. About the Philliphines, the only delivery was to fight against islamist fighters, not against Maoists.
The fact of the matter is, China is politically, socially, economically and globally an anti-imperialist socialist state. I will give more sources:
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