So let me get this straight. The same centrists - narcissists, all of them - who spent over 2 years campaigning AGAINST the one party trying to protect Britain and prevent No Deal, and sabotaged it totally at the election... are now up in arms because No Deal is coming?
The same centrists - narcissists, all of them - who spent over 2 years wailing that Labour wasn't New Labour any more, are now up in arms because international law is about to be broken?

Tell that to a million dead Iraqis.
The same centrists - narcissists, all of them - who couldn't care less when hundreds of thousands were killed by austerity, and were furious at Jeremy Corbyn trying to protect the economy and preserve the peace - are now in a flap about all this?
CORBYN: The NHS is on the table and will be sold off. Here's proof.

CENTRISTS: This came from Russia you are a Kremlin spy lalalalafingersinears not listening

The people die in their droves while these wankers blame the one man who was frantically trying to HELP them.
As for Jo Swinson and the Liberal Democrats: may God have mercy on all of you. Kensington got a Tory MP thanks to you lot; there will be no justice for Grenfell thanks to the Tories: who you were happy to work with.

Anyone but a socialist, eh folks?
The same centrists and Liberal Democrats who didn't even bother to spend 5 minutes looking at the map under FPTP, and think to themselves what their narcissism would do.

Britain's horrific present and future is on them. The absolute shower who voted down a customs union.
My book didn't just warn, but state, that if the Tories won the election, No Deal would happen and the NHS would be sold off. The Tories weren't even trying to hide the former.

Where was the media during that time? In Johnson's pocket. BUT CORBYN BUT CORBYN

For shame.
Here's John Bercow, one of very few political heroes of recent years, on basic reality. Reality which escaped the delusional narcissists who've wrecked Britain while they swanned off to well paid private sector jobs and left everyone else to clear up their stinking mess.

"Jo Swinson wasn't prepared to allow Jeremy Corbyn to be temporary prime minister. But the fear that this would lead to years and years of Corbyn and John McDonnell is for the birds."
... A "mirage" had led Swinson to believing that she could form part of a new government.

"Jo Swinson saw some evidence that she might win 60, 80 or 100 seats, and [there would be] every chance of a coalition government."

Not that it gives me any pleasure - but WE TOLD YOU SO.
60, 80 or 100 seats. That is the level of delusion with which Swinson led her party - and the entire cause not just of Remain, but of anything which protected people's jobs, living standards and basic rights at all - off a cliff.
Her party - which lied continually throughout the election campaign, providing fake news galore up and down the country - Change UK (didn't that one go well, folks?) and Labour's right wing saboteurs should all be in the dock.

Never forget what they did. NEVER.
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