The whole debate about reformed conservatives in leftist circles is so weird because on one hand yes please let them in we need them and on the other if you are one of these new commies it’s good to have some humility and learn from others. Like it’s nuanced I guess?!?!
I only really became radicalized four years ago (like so many of you lol) and there’s so much I don’t know. & I see people who have started identifying as socialists this year and I recognize some of their thinking as thoughts I also once had. You gotta approach it with humility
And to be clear we need ex-conservatives, we need ex-reactionaries, we need ex-Trump voters, and we should be wholly unapologetic about that. I really am not interested in any kind of gatekeeping because it should be a movement to elevate the working class, period.
I’m just saying I don’t think you should be the authority on communism if you just started calling yourself a communist an hour ago
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