Here;s my #crypto portfolio
#1 #bitcoin 22% ideal number is 50% of my portfolio, less now because other investments have gone up and I have not significantly rebalanced yet.

Lending about 40%, trading account about 20%, cold storage 40%.

Continually add more, long term hold
#2 $usdc 14%
This is almost all lent out. I use Blockfi, cryptodotcom, and Yearn for earning yield on my stablecoins. Not much extra after that though since I just invested in 2 token sales, and bought a little dip action.
#3 #ethereum 13.5%
I keep adding to this position and am very bullish on its future.
Lending most of it out via Blockfi, cryptodotcom, and Yearn Vaults and earning a nice bit of extra $eth as a result.
#4 $egld 9.5% the #crypto formerly known as Elrond has absolutely skyrocketed since I entered my position. I took out my initial investment. Will not sell until it has a market cap in the billions.
#5 Trustswap $swap 6.5% I got a good entry on this newcomer and have taken profits twice and still maintain a large bag. Will likely maintain this bag for a while depending on how the rewards play out.
#6 $kava 4% I remain very bullish on Kava and the entire Cosmos ecosystem. I believe this is going to go way higher in this bull run and will hold until it is a multibillion dollar market cap.
#7 #cardano $ada 4% - finally getting those sweet sweet staking rewards! Looking forward to Goguen release and the birth of the ecosystem. This will hit new highs in the coming bull run.
#8 Tellor $trb 3.5% is another oracle provider backed by Binance and Consensys, oracle hype continues strong. Planning to sell at ETH parity.
#9 Synthetix $snx 3.5% this is a defi power player with some sick staking rewards. I believe it will at least do another 10x during the bull run.
#10 BZX $bzrx 3% another big defi hype player with some potentially very sick staking rewards leveraging access to two defi platforms.
#11 Resereve $rsr 2.5% the Peter Thiel & Coinbase backed stablecoin beast has a lot of room left to run. We still haven't even got a Coinbase listing yet! Hodling for now, but a sales target in mind. Have taken out initial investment and some profits, still 66% in my position.
#12 Polka $dot 2.5% it is a big cap so I am not expecting insane returns, but I am bullish on its future and will continue to average into a position in the coming months.
#13 Kyber $knc 2% defi exchange, sitting back collecting rewards and chilling on my position. Carry on :)
#14 Monero $xmr 2% old boy Monero not doing much at the moment. But still holding this. Tempted to convert it to stablecoins and start earning yield.
#15 Tomo $tomo 1.5% has been doing some good things recently, it lacks a bit of buzz, but I think it will continue to make strong prices moves going forward. I have a sell order in place.
#16 Paxos Gold $paxg 1.5% I will continue taking profits into paxos gold as part of my profit taking strategy
#17 Fantom $ftm 1% have had a small bag of this for a while and have been collecting staking rewards.
#18 Mantra Dao $om 1% new Polka $dot hype player, will hold this for a good while. Sick staking rewards.
#19 tiny fractions of Nash $nex $beam and $aergo - sale orders in on Aergo and Beam, Nash will likely sell when it unlocks.
#20 Utility tokens #1 $cro enough for staking for my card and #2 $bnb enough for using the Binance exchange #3 $btmx small amount collection rewards
#21 token sales I am investing in
Cere Network
Kira Network
Injective Protocol
Oasis Labs
A few others on my watch list and may add soon
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