Before working with Joseph Mifsud for 5+ years. Claire Smith worked for the Joint Intelligence Committee when it published its sexed up dossier.

The JIC was scalded by Lord Butler for relying on bad intelligence from Italy concerning forged documents linking Iraq WMDs to Niger.
Those Niger forgeries are believed to have come from Link Campus associates in Rome.

Claire Smith trained with Link Campus for years as part of the London Academy of Diplomacy's outreach to Rome. She trained with Joseph Mifsud and Italian intelligence.
Every NatSec journalist knows that, but because they hate @realDonaldTrump. They won't report it.
A journalist asked me if I believed there was an outlandish conspiracy involving Joseph Mifsud in Rome. I say, "ask Claire Smith. It's her second hoax"

The British government's dossier laundered the Italian Niger forgeries which were also used in George Bush Jnr State of the Union address.

Robert Mueller's FBI investigated the forgeries.
Mueller knew...
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