Everyone has a DEI Committee. Have you asked why we have the committee, what is the end game, why do you want to be on it, what are you willing to do? If you are on this committee you have to be willing to be really brave.
You have to be willing to push against people, people in power, friends, colleagues, and yourself. You have to be willing to keep talking about it when it is really tough. If you expect it to be easy or is easy then it ain’t doing what it needs to do.
This should be a tough committee because the change you are making is a deep, long, and tough process. It is one that will create conflict.
If you are developing these committees and don’t have an idea what you want, then crowd source it. What does those on the committee expect, what do others expect, what do the athletes expect, and more important, what do the BIPOC folks expect. ASK ASK ASK.
Get that input and start shaping away.
You can follow @jenfrytalks.
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