I emailed the principal and he called me back. Gave me the long list of bullshit:

"just a conversation"
"focus kids on bias"
"create a safe space"

I told him that they were feeding the kids pure unadulterated racism.

He didn't really like that. https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive/status/1303416532236750852
I gave him my perspective.

He didn't agree obviously.

He said he wasn't aware that they're feeding kids racism based on CRT.

He seemed surprised at how knowledgeable I was.

They slide this poison in to the kid's heads softly and use it as an opening to brainwash them.

He said they're going to talk about Kenosha.

I asked how they'd introduce it.

"A black man got shot in the back 7 times by a cop"

I asked what other facts they'd introduce.

He said it was up to the students.

I asked about Kyle.

"a white man shot three people"

I said this was dangerous because you're introducing narratives that may not be true and are definitely damaging.

"we're not introducing narratives, we're just having a conversation."

Everything he said was drenched in the code words of CRT.

I'm not even sure he understood.
I told him that the school recommended our kids read White Fragility and AntiRacist.

I explained what those books say about who is a racist and who isn't.

He deflected and said, 'its just a safe space for students to talk about bias and racism."

Don't let the teachers fool you.

This Anti-racist crusade is part of the larger 4GW War happening in our country.

The antiracist educators are foot soldiers in a civil war, a struggle for our nation's heart and soul.

And they're brainwashing our kids bit by bit.

One day last fall my son told me each day the students are expected to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance.

But no one stands, and everyone blows it off.

Except for him.

He stands every day, alone, by himself, reciting the pledge of allegiance while everyone else scoffs.
That act of courage inspired me. My son inspires ME to act.

He stands alone at school.

Every day.

I must stand with him too.

We all must.
After feeding me the CRT platitudes for ten minutes the principal moved to get me off the phone.

Not before I could explain how IAT was bunk.

Or that promptness wasn't white supremacy.

But he was clearly done with the conversation.

Kept saying, it's just a "dialogue."
Well guess what. My kids are opting out of that dialogue and I'll replace it with the on going dialogue we have at home.

But I'm not just worried about my kids. I fear for the nation.

So I won't rest with simply opting out.

I'm going straight to the Council and Leadership.
I'm a good person for this job.

I ran school systems for ten years. I helped poor black kids get better educations. I turned around the worst schools in DC.

I know CRT. I know BLM.

I know the lies.

I know what works for kids of all colors.

And this aint it. THIS AINT IT.
I asked the principal just now if I can silently observe the struggle sessions.

Let’s see what he says.





My request to observe the struggle session was denied.


They will not let me observe them teaching my own children.


How is this possible?
I used to run charter school systems.

I was executive director.

Our teachers were told they should expect observation at anytime.

Parents, guests, coaches, administrators, whatever!

Observation ANYTIME.

Banning parents from observing a school session is OUTRAGEOUS.
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