TRUE Jikook Supporters, read this.

I want to address a CC that I got. The OP claims that JM "saved time" by flying from Paris to Seoul then from Seoul to Hawaii therefore negating the idea that it was a romantic gesture for JK's birthday. I don't take anyone's word as gospel +
Cont... so I did my own research. I looked up Sunday flights from Paris to Seoul then Monday flights from Paris to Hawaii and from Seoul to Hawaii because JM flew from Paris to Seoul on Sunday and left for Hawaii on Monday. The shortest flight from Paris to Hawaii is 32 hours. +
Cont... The shortest flight from Paris to Seoul is 17 hours. The shortest flight from Seoul to Hawaii is 23 hours. 17 + 23 = 40 hours. 40 > 32 hours. JM did not save time by flying to Seoul before going to Hawaii. +
You can also take into account all the extra time that is required to travel to and from the airport, customs etc but I don't even need to get into that because the numbers don't lie. I don't know what airline he used so flight times may vary but I did check two travel sites. +
In conclusion, traveling from Paris to Seoul then Seoul to Hawaii actually added about 8 extra hours of flight time to JM's trip. I don't know about you, but there's not many people I'd suffer an 8 extra hours on a plane for.
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