I watched the latest episode of #LovecraftCountry last night. I’ve spent time since then collecting my thoughts about how it depicted an Indigenous two-spirit.
Within the horror genre, people die & often horribly—but I was shocked at how the Indigenous character within the episode was used as little more than a object. They were literally nothing more than a voiceless means to an end.
Zero character arc aside, their grisly murder was so callous considering we are facing an epidemic of missing & murdered Indigenous women. Last week a young Native woman was murdered in our community. She was hacked to bits by a non-Native man. I couldn’t help but think of her.
Natives have little to no representation within the media even though we are here & ready to share. This lack of representation means there’s nothing to offset stereotypical vicious fetishizing imagery of Native women, 2 spirit & trans being brutalized. Don’t contribute to that.
Also, if you are going to depict a Native two-spirit character, it only makes sense to consult with them—even better if they’re Tribal specific, because teachings & histories re sexuality, gender & that significance varies from Tribe to Tribe.
The season isn’t over yet. I hope that the significance of the Indigenous two-spirit character & their death are clarified. Until then, I’m disappointed. The show is groundbreaking. Also RIP to my old friend M who was murdered by having her throat slashed years ago. I’m sorry.
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