I’m about to say some things that I know I’m going to get hung for. But I’ve never really cared for the hangings. I’m trying to emancipate some minds tonight. I need to address the illogical fear that seems to be gripping a lot of people. It’s going to be painful, but here we go:
It’s true, test centres are heavily increasing CoronaVirus testing, & with the increased testing, a rise in positive CoronaVirus results is obviously inevitable.

However, the critical point is this: it’s the hospital wards that are dead & dying; not the people being tested.
Meaning, at this current point in time almost nobody is dying of Covid19 anymore, & the overwhelming majority of people who have died, or are in the final stages of their life, are those who have severely compromised immune systems &/or undiagnosed deficiencies & other conditions
Are we celebrating this win? No. Instead the government are turning our attention to a new manufactured bogey man for us to be afraid of:

Government health experts are equating positive CoronaVirus test results to cases of “Covid19”. This has no scientific basis. Here’s why.
A Covid19 case is *not* somebody who tests positive for any one of the different common CoronaViruses we we’ve recognised & treated for many, many years.

Picture this: You had a “flu”, say 7 years ago. It happened to be a type of CoronaVirus. Let’s say 229E Alpha or OC43 Beta..
... perhaps there’s still remnants of the virus left in your body. It’s dead, so it can no longer replicate itself, but nevertheless it’s still there in your microbiome.

Now, let’s say tomorrow you take a CoronaVirus test - Well, congratulations you’re now officially a “case”.
Never before in modern medical history have we determined cases in such a ludicrous & undignified way for an entire population.

The people are fed up with the lies. And *real*, uncompromised health professionals are fed up with deliberate misinterpretation of the available data
When we look back at this farce, we’ll have no clue who died of Covid19, or who died *with* one of the many other CoronaViruses that preceded Covid19. Why? Because we lumped them all together like a vegetable stew, in a wild effort to make Covid19 seem a lot worse than it is.
Boris put us into lockdown because we were told Covid19 could kill 1% of the global population. 1% of 7billion people is 70million. That’s *A LOT* of people. The truth is the Covid19 fatality rate isn’t anywhere near that figure.
The most disturbing aspect about our “noble & collective effort to save lives”, is we’ve uneccessarily killed thousands of people in the process.
How? Because we panicked. Because we didn’t have the courage or confidence to take the *real* noble, collective responsibility of using our God given critical thinking skills.

Instead we blindly trusted the bobbleheads on our TV screens, even months into this mess. It’s pathetic
We shut down the economy. We destroyed businesses. We prevented anyone who didn’t have Covid19 symptoms from receiving the treatment they desperately needed for their illnesses- meaning thousands have died directly as a result of the actions our Government took, & our acceptance.
We protected our young, our children, who are basically at zero risk of a Covid death, all while we threw our most vulnerable, our elderly, into the fire.
We unnecessarily caused 20,000 deaths in care homes all over the UK.

Brave care home staff (the whistleblowers) have called it a shameful genocide. 20,000. That’s a lot of blood on our hands, & their blood is not cheap just because they were elderly.
Our Government’s policy was to clear the elderly out of our hospitals, & ram them into our care homes, with Covid19, or discharge them back to their own homes, with Covid19, knowing full well there is a high risk of infecting their elderly partner’s who live with them.
Death secretary @MattHancock’s nice little mantra was to “throw a ring of steel around care homes”. But sadly, in the end, his ring of steel didn’t really protect the residents at all. Instead it kept them locked up in a virus infested petri dish-like environment. Great job Matt!
Sad as that is, there’s more health related collateral damage we need to acknowledge.

The @ONS estimates 16,000 more unnecessary deaths were a direct cause of lockdown measures - cardiovascular diseases, strokes, cancer patients going from curable, to terminal. That’s crazy.
We emptied hospital beds & A&E departments to make way for a few patients, most of whom were healthy enough to not require a respirator. It’s insane when you think about it.

These are real stories from up & down the country - Whistleblowers in actual clinical/hospital settings.
So, to reiterate all of the above: almost as many people have died because of Government policy, as they have from the virus itself.

Is this down to incompetence? Is something more sinister at play? Was there a motive behind this scandal?

You can decide that one for yourself.
What I know is, we cowed. We did what we were told to do for months on end, like good peasants. We frightfully locked ourselves away.

We killed 10’s of thousands needlessly because we failed to speak up as a majority. We tanked our economy. We left millions without livelihoods.
We caged abused children & women at home with their abusers while we shut schools & offices. We decimated hundreds of companies. We pushed the brakes on entire industries, like the hospitality industry, that will probably never be the same again because of it - I hope I’m wrong.
We dismantled the NHS. We left millions of people in never ending agony & suffering while they wait & wait & wait for their turn to be put on an appointment list; appointment list’s which have consequently doubled in length now. It’s a huge mess.
The @TheLancet has estimated at least 60,000 years of life will be lost by 2025 because of delays in diagnosing patients with cancer. 60,000 years. If that’s an accurate estimate then it is wild to think Government policy is the cause, yet here we are.
There is no longer any question that lockdown measures have been a total disaster - an immotile stain on British medical history. Based on a fabricated claim that Covid19 was going to kill 1% of the global population. A claim which has been exposed to be nothing more than a lie.
As I said in July, Sweden didn’t implement a lock down. They opted for business as usual & kept everything open.

Look at them now. Shining. Maskless. No rise in cases. Happy people. Smiles on their visible faces as they go about their daily routines Covid19 free. It’s beautiful.
Let us put an end to this ridiculous, genocidal charade. Today.

Let us agree never to acquiesce to such extraordinary negligence, with such great cost ever again.


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