Did you know Paul Daniels programmed his own game for the Atari 800? He read 30 hr Basic for the BBC, and away he went.
"I typed the first line of a program from a magazine and then typed RUN"
"People don't realise you can't break em. The worst you can do is wipe out it's memory that you've typed in. No big deal there, unless you're on line 1655."
"I want to get more interested in making it activate other things around the house, my real house"

"I mean, it's not a long program but it activates all the little bloobs on the back of the interface, that's half gobbledygook and half simple language"
He set up a burglar alarm, with pressure pads around his house, which triggered a video player.

In 1981.
I have totally fallen down an archive footage rabbit hole. Now I need to know more.
Oh my. Why oh why did I have the one on the right as a kid, but not the one on the left?
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