You know, I love She-ra. Its done more to make me feel comfortable in my identity than any other singular thing has, but its treatment of trans people, especially binary trans people, is not great and really disappointing honestly.
First off, you have Bow. Clearly trans guy coded. Would have been a perfect fit in his whole not actually a princess thing. Gets an "i like that interpretation" treatment because they don't want to Dumbledore him (which is also bad) but is still better than nothing at all
Next up is Perfuma. Also clearly trans coded. Was designed in secret to be a transwoman by the character designer. Also never confirmed, never mentioned, never confirmed. Is Not Cannon.
Next you wait 4 seasons for double trouble. Great nb character. Are they nb because of their ability? Maybe, it doesn't matter that much. Good representation, great character, though they did become completely irrelevant immediately after serving as Catra character development.
Next isnt even really worth mentioning. Princess (prince?) Peekablue. Might be a trans guy apparently? We don't know, never had any pronouns used and wasn't even actually in the show. So it doesn't matter and doesn't count.
Then Finally! Season 5! Our first canonically recognized trans man. Jewelstar. Was in one episode. Was not acknowledged in universe. Was confirmed only because the VA is a trans man and the character designer confirmed it.
I'm just saying, there is a big difference with the lgb characters in the show, where it was treated as completely normal, but still acknowledged, and trans characters where its not even acknowledged. You could watch it and say this person is gay, this person is lesbian, ect.
But you could watch that show and just assume everyone is cis, outside of double trouble. Its just kinda disappointing that the queerest show I've seen still gives trans people, and most especially trans women as there are at least one canonically guy and nb person, the shaft.
For a little levity, the only apology I will accept is a season 6 where they confirm Adora as trans.
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