"I never vote for. I always vote against." W.C. Fields.
W.C. Fields is right. And the political science term for this is loss aversion.
Voters are more likely to vote AGAINST a candidate who is going to TAKE something from them, instead of voting FOR a candidate looking to GIVE them something.
Think about how many campaigns that have been run where the opponent is painted as coming to take your healthcare, your Social Security, your hard-earned paycheck, your gun, etc.
Loss aversion runs from one end of the political spectrum to the other. Because it's effective.
So what's being taken from you? Trump has staked his campaign on the idea that Joe Biden and his band of antifa-supersoldiers are going to come into your suburb and take your safety, your home's property value, etc.
But you can look out your window and see that is NOT happening.
But in home after home, suburb after suburb after suburb. Something else is being taken away.
Congratulations, Mr. President, you took away my child's first day of school.
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