Is it possible that disinfo and media representation of the phenomenon is not just superficial obfuscation of the "truth" but designed to effectively reshape aspects of it with images/stories via conciousness co-creation? Are we the only audience? Is disinfo beneficial to us? 1/6
If the phenomenon has been with us since the dawn of our conciousness and is inextricably tied to it (or actually, is it), is there a human-borne custodial program of cryptologic/memetic mechanisms consistently refined to measure, calibrate and manage the diffraction of input 2/6
From Bohm's implicate order to the output/explicit order, constituting our shared constructed material reality? Is a hermetic transactional prism represented in the mystery teachings of Osiris (the light/input) and Isis (the body/output) we saw in Egypt, carried from Babylon? 3/6
As a side example: Pythagorus influenced Plato, of which our neoplatonist gnostics are derived from, and while Pythagorus was not a mathematician, he studied these teachings for 20+ years in Egypt. What we call the Pythagorean theorem is from 4,000 year old babylonian algebra 4/6
And the concept of theorems, variables etc were social constructs of Greece about 1,000 years later. The point here is that much of what we defer to as universal scientific groundings for reality (mathematics) is socially constructed language, with mathematical objects 5/6
Like integers/numbers existing somehwere else entirely, if you were to be a platonist. To summarize- to investigate the phenomenon is to question the way we've allowed other human beings to put together our accepted reality. And questions like "is math real?" drives into mystery.
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