Americans have no idea just how overworked and underpaid the young professionals who serve them on Capitol Hill are. D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in America, and many have to take second jobs just to afford to be able work 12+ hours/day on the Hill.
You work hard for below-the-poverty-line wages for most and below comparable private sector wages for all. Admin staff get abused by constituents mad at a congressman lower level staff barely knows. You have virtually no life outside the office or any privacy.
Sequestration curtailed budgets for already low salaries, too. I also don't think working on the Hill is the boon to your CV it once was.

Want to know why Congress stinks? It's partly because 22-year-olds are running it since older professionals can't afford to do these jobs.
So, fund these positions better. Get more experienced people serving you. I'm not talking private jets and caviar. I'm talking enough money to live in a one bedroom apartment that is up to code.

And to address the complaints that Hill staffers get paid with greater opportunities down the road, the vast majority of Hill staffers don't go on to become lobbyists or public officials. Most move home, work in normal jobs, etc. They do it because they want to serve in gov't.
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