UTTERLY SHAMBOLIC - just drove over 2 hours with two ill children (1 and 3 years old) to a test site in Telford for an appointment booked for 6:30. We arrived at 6:25 to be told that the whole site was closed because they’ve run out of tests!
I can’t get my head round this level of incompetence - that a test site wouldn’t have enough tests!
Hundreds of cars being turned away. I’m furious for having to make my kids endure this but I’m more furious for those who will lose loved ones because this govt is so incompetent
My Dad died of coronavirus earlier this year because of the incompetence in supporting care homes I know the price of this awfulness. I hope someone with power is paying attention
I tried to book another test this morning - they offered me one near LIVERPOOL....
Went back a few hours later - and not a thing available.

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