Mark McClellan ( @DukeMargolis) kicks off: Duke is hosting this challenge because crowd-contributed and crowd-sourced efforts can help us develop even better analytic tools for identifying COVID outbreaks.
3/ @DrTomFrieden put the problem simply: "Timely data saves lives." The faster we can identify clusters and outbreaks, the more effectively we can save lives.
4/ An intro to syndromic surveillance: can we use symptoms as an early signal to identify outbreaks?

@Farzad_MD helped developed "influenza-like illness" surveillance in NYC — can we identify "COVID-like illness?
5/ Enter @CmuDelphi and @JPSMumd. Earlier this year, in partnership with @Facebook, these academic institutions launched 'symptom surveys' to identify COVID-like illness in the US and globally. Users like you and me are prompted to respond at the top of our newsfeeds!
6/ Data!
7/ We're talking Big Data. (31 million responses!!!)
8/ For the survey methodologists among us, have no fear —  there are analytic weights available to correct for random-sampling, non-response and coverage errors.
10/ @cmyeaton sharing some early applications of the data. Look at those correlations!
11/ But it's not just that these symptom survey data are correlated with case data — there's also a temporal element. Look at the early warning signal in Florida here in May.

(Remember what @DrTomFrieden said: "Timely data saves lives.")
12/ Stratifying by age, by county, and more provides valuable and granular insights.
13/ Here are some more reasons we should care about this.
14/ @Farzad_MD and @kxjin talk about uptake of the data

"It's important to have interdisciplinary approaches bringing in complementary expertise." Citizen scientists, academics, and the general public are encouraged to participate!
14.5/ P.S. Pretty sure @kxjin is wearing the exact same outfit today as he is in his photo.
15/ @bluetopaz of @catalyst_H20 shares process and deadline deets

Questions? Email [email protected]
Apply/more details: 
16/ @Farzad_MD

"The current data we have available are flawed. Symptom data might magnify the signal-to-noise."

"This won't be the only thing we look at — but why not find ways to use symptom data to give us better situational awareness? That would be success."

Q: Is there a paper with more methodology details?
A: Yes! There are details here, among other places:

Q: Can individuals access non-aggregated data?
A: Yes, if they are affiliated with academic / non-profit research organization. (Must sign an agreement not to release non-aggregated data.)

Q: Can we use non-aggregated data for the challenge?
A: No — asking participants to start by using aggregated data.

Q: How does the money work?
A: Semi-finalists each receive $5K. Winner gets $50K and runner-up gets $25K.
23/ CSV data is available here and is pretty nifty:
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