My goal is to get the weebs to read old books & get the old book readers to appreciate the weebs. Completing the system— only way back to a real literary culture is through Japan.
Manga is evidence that a mass literary culture in 2020 is possible. The problem we face is the dominance of “hollywood” & film/tv still— which has nothing new to “adapt” anymore. “Video games” are not good storytelling mediums. “Alternative comics” is too niche.
Our main living genres are the spy thriller (cia propaganda), mysteries (agatha christie’s corpse), softcore erotica, ethnonarcissist memoirs, & super hero shit / tolkeinian fantasy garbage.
When it comes to “youth literature”— the genre bends toward young women— there is no “shonen” equivalent in america anymore because all the kids cartoons are made by & for girls now lol. That’s why bookish american boys go to the manga section.
Basically— we need our own “shonen jump” with serialized narratives explicitly targeted at the “young male” demographic— because this is basically illegal to make explicit now— & its why things like MDE’s WORLD PEACE were shut down.
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