The short answer is I don't. The long answer is I do a lot but not in the way I think most people mean when they say "glorifying violence". Violence is already glorified. Marvel exists. Call of duty Exists. American Sniper Exists.
Nothing I do is going to do more to for enshrinement of violence in our culture than propaganda already has. Beyond that I don't really have a bone to pick with violence in general. There's revolutionary violence, and the violence of sport, and the violence of self defense.
I don't want people to not use violence in games. I dont want to write non violent games. I don't even want people to stop saying "wow cool robot", what I do want it to write games that engage with violence deliberately and thoughtfully.
In my opinion the way to push back against the enshrinement of violence, particularly of American military violence, in pop culture is not to decentralize violence completely but to create mechanics that force players to engage with the meaning of their violence.
The simplest form of this is of course forcing them to engage with the victims of violence, to name them--as in apocalypse world and its successors--but its more than that. Some questions I ask my self when I'm writing are: are there more options than just violence?
Are nonviolent options meaningful? effective? Does the violence here raise as many questions as it answers? I want to avoid violence in my playbooks or games ever being the final answer of a series of questions, the last word in a conversation. What is aesthetic of this violence?
That last one is important. I don't want to simply reproduce violence with a military aesthetic. No lone wolfs or militarized police. Does the violence my playbooks and players carry out look meaningfully different than the violence in American military propaganda?
Obviously none of this solves anything, or is going to magically change how my largely already radical audience engages with the mechanization of violence in games but its important to me to continue to output games with meaningful and thought through relationships to violence.
Well this got a lot of RT's so hey if you;re interested in my approach to violence pick up my #Beamsaber playbook the Giantkiller with art by @SeaExcursion (

Or my Anti War Sequel to Battleship The Ship Sinks Here (
You can follow @roswellwrites.
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