“there are four ways to change our form of govt w/o changing the written Constitution—and to restore liberty.

First, in the case of Senate, we have to abolish the filibuster and admit Puerto Rico and the DC as states.

Neither project will be easy.” https://thebaffler.com/salvos/abolish-the-senate-geoghegan
“Second, we have to invoke the power of Congress under Article I, Section 4 (the Elections Clause), to displace any state from using voter or election data to create districts for the U.S. House.

This, in effect, would be a ban on gerrymandering.”
“Third, the Congress has to get rid of the Electoral College, or any other device that gives the White House to the runner up.

The Electoral College is in the Constitution sure enough, but the Constitution does not prohibit Congress from regulating it.”
“Fourth, it is the moment to pass a bill limiting service on the Supreme Court to no more than fifteen years.

That’s not to limit lifetime tenure: just as ex-Justice Souter or ex-Justice O’Connor did, a justice could go on serving in one of our distinguished appellate courts.”
“Finally, and the most important way of overcoming the drag of the Senate, the republic is in sore need of universal voting, such as Australia and many other countries have.

Because of all our checks and balances, we need the help of everyone to overcome them.”
“At least the individual election outcomes in the Senate state by state will be more legitimate—if 99 percent instead of the usual 30 to 40 percent in the off-year elections vote.”
“The last best hope of mankind—to head off environmental catastrophe—is to get the Senate out of the way.

Perhaps there can be a convention of like-minded states—I mean, just the blue states—to propose a new constitution ratified by enough states to account for 2/3 of population
“Then just put it in effect:

let the Supreme Court howl.

It’s how we put in the republic in the first place—not by unanimous vote as the Articles of Confederation required, but by throwing out the Articles altogether and daring anyone stop us.”
“In 1933, we came close enough to giving up on Congress and putting in rule by decree, as other countries were doing.

Global warming is our 1933.

One way of changing the Senate in its current form is to wait until there is no choice but authoritarian rule.”
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