1. Just over 4 weeks ago I was contacted by a LibDem PPC and asked for help.
A number of people had come forward with allegations against a prominent Twitter user and they didn't know what to do.
2. I spoke to that PPC at length and said that I would help, but explained that I'm neither a counselor nor an investigator. But that didn't matter as I was to act as the neutral contact and support for the people who were making these allegations.
3. From day 1 there was contact with the police and we have taken our lead from them.
At no point have I gone looking for victims, coerced or asked leading questions.
4. In fact these are the only questions I asked:
• How did you meet *****?
• Would you be happy for me to give your first name and telephone number to the police?
• Does your partner know what's happened?
• How are you?/Are you okay?
5. Most of my time has been spent trying to reassure the 30+ people who've come forward that the police know how to do their job and to persuade them not to react to the, frankly, viscous trolling they have been subjected to on Twitter.
6. Here are some facts:
• This was reported to the police on day 1.
• Crime numbers are confidential.
• In certain situations it appears to be better if just 1 police force is the primary investigator.
• No evidence will ever be shared with random accounts on Twitter.
• As a random person on Twitter you have no right to have your demands for evidence met. That doesn't mean that people are lying.
• It is not okay to dm alleged victims to demand evidence.
• there are vulnerable people on both sides of this. Neither has a monopoly on empathy, understanding or blind allegiance.
• there was no hate campaign against anyone.
• none of us are Nazis, blackmailers, hackers, grifters, groomers or targeting vulnerable young women
• I will not be launching a career off the back of this.
• the only people I've shared names and phone numbers with are the police.
• as I've handed over all of that to the police and made a statement, my direct involvement is over.
10. I'm happy to have met some wonderful people through this and made some friends for life.
I will continue to give them my full support as a friend.

The end.
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