1. Trump says his campaign is fine but then says he's thinking about putting a $100 million in. This is not consistent. So I conclude @POTUS @RealDonaldTrump is confirming his campaign is broke. But he's also broke personally IMO. So where will the money come from?
2. On June 9, 2016, Trump held an all hands emergency meeting at the Four Season Hotel in NYC because his campaign was broke. Here is Trump surrogate coming out of the meeting. @nytimes ran the story.
3. Paul Manafort left the meeting and met with the Russians who had said they were ready to provide additional help to Trump. What was the help they were providing? Money. The @USTreasury #FinCEN spotted it after the meeting. From the Natalie Edwards criminal complaint.
4. Here is the Trump campaign FEC report for the period before June 9. Trump has $1.2 million on hand and a $6.7 million burn rate. Plus you can see that his $45 million loan is still on the books. The campaign was insolvent.
5. After Trump Tower meeting Trump's rich Russian uncle flooded his campaign with cash.
6. What IC secret will #TraitorTrump sell to Putin for cash? How many US service members lives will Trump trade for quick cash? Trump is a broke mobbed-up traitor with access to our secrets. He is desperate & knows that he will go to prison if he loses. #ThisIsNotADrill. @FBIWFO
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