You know what I realized recently. psychiatry basically teaches you to be helpless & keeps you dependent. It presents itself as a way to 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 patients ("this drug saved me.") In reality, it doesn't empower you at all. It teaches you to NEVER take accountability
It teaches you that no matter what, you blame everything on the diagnosis they give you. "iTs mY bIpOlAr" No one taught me how to rely on myself. No one helped me become who I was supposed to be.
I spent hours being programmed to be a patient & it was the one thing I was good at
They steer you far away from what is actually going to help you grow and instead label you like you're an animal species and probe you and pick you apart. How the fck is anyone expecting to thrive in a system like that?
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