Infrastructures are ideal partners in this expansive FP vision. They make all global economic networks possible (for good and ill) so they unify the global economy and limit the problem of exit. 8/
. @TaxJusticeNet has called for "SWIFT statistics for all" to solve tax evasion and @stefeich in @thenation has highlighted the “untapped utopian promise” of “global monetary and financial regulation” 9/
This might not happen. The cooperation on US FP w/ infrastructures was the produce of specific conditions that might not repeat themselves. 10/
First, the US had to impose major fines/enforcement to make this happen. This time, it would be far harder because these networks are more rooted in global finance. US regulators would need more effort to change private sector's risk calculus. 11/
Third, even if they were steady partners these infrastructures are open to individual corruption (as the LIBOR scandal suggests). It would not make sense to place such an important US anti-evasion/anti-kleptocracy effort on such a shaky foundation.
For this reason, I speculatively argue that the US should push for these infrastructures to become public, supranational organizations

Short-term losses in unilateral US power would be made up by long-term stability for US priorities and hedging against unreliable partners 15/
Many thanks to @dmarusic for the opportunity to write about this issue.
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