100 days ago my eye was removed by surgeons after being ruptured beyond repair by the Fort Wayne Police Department’s militarized attack on its peaceful protesters.
i look at this and think about how we’ve watched protesters across the country be brutalized for over 100 days. i think about how we’ve watched blk ppl be brutalized for over 100 years by a system rigged against them. i think about how many ppl are being failed in so many ways.
I think about trayvon, breonna, george, eric, jacob, sandra, philandro, tamir, ahmaud, and so many more named and unnamed victims of a vile system.
but then i think about the protesters who continue to fight for justice and change. i think about the politicians like bernie and aoc who have inspired a new generation. i think about the people who have had to have a difficult conversation with racist friends and/or family
and then i think there’s hope. hope for a better tomorrow. hope that one day everybody will be treated equally not just in word but in practice. and hope that we can actually make a difference.
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