I've been wanting to tweet about this for a while, since it was completed really, and now seems to be as good a time as ever following this article https://www.thestar.co.uk/business/ps28m-sheffield-cycle-lane-disappointment-does-not-work-say-campaigners-2954960 and this photo https://twitter.com/Bob_of_Hills/status/1301208585679101952?s=20. So here's a short thread...
The Leavygreave Rd to Pinfold St route is a chance to create a pedestrian/cycle friendly route that runs parallel to West St and provides direct access to #Sheffield City Centre, however, I can't help but think that the new Trippet Lane section is a missed opportunity.
From the UoS end (Leavygreave Rd) it starts off incredibly well, with high quality paving, interesting street furniture and attractive planting - and more importantly a designated cycle lane.
This then leads on to Portobello, a clear continuation of the University of Sheffield's Masterplan and design palette, and again cycle friendly.
But as we cross onto Portobello St, things get worse as the paving makes way for a vast amount of tarmac which inexplicably features gravel as a design feature(?)
This then continues onto Trippet Lane through to Pinfold St, with the cycle lane painted on and large amounts of tarmac with no planting or furniture.
So, what's my point?

Firstly, I agree with @CycleSheffield that not enough has been done to separate the cyclists. Secondly, I struggle to see how the works to Trippet Lane and Portobello St are improvements (here are some before shots) as it seems more like resurfacing works.
Thirdly, it is frustrating that the pavements are tarmac when, as a planning consultant, I have been consistently told that any new developments must improve the public realm with paving slabs and granite kerbs. This can be seen in the more recent developments on this route.
And my final issue is that this route goes past eight listed buildings/structures which gives even more reason to provide a high quality public realm, with landscaping, benches and not a mismatch of tarmac and paving.
So, whilst a step in the right direction, it doesn't go far enough to create an attractive pedestrian/cycle friendly route into the City Centre. In an ideal world I'd like to see the alteration of the junction at the end of Pinfold St to direct cars down Townhead St instead.
This would mean Trippet Lane is effectively access only from Bailey St and Bailey Lane (which can both be one way to direct traffic flow), reducing traffic, improving cycle safety and allowing more outside seating areas to make the current temporary measures permanent.
Which leads me to the next suggestion of why can't we do something similar on other streets in Sheffield?
Carver St? Leopold St? Surrey St? Pinstone St? Division St? Devonshire St? Alma St? #Cycling #Pedestrians
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