Understanding timing of COVID-19 transmission is key to inform good models and to choose appropriate interventions and public health policies.
We made an effort to estimate it accurately from transmission data.
A thread.

( https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.04.20188516v1, not yet peer-reviewed)
For symptomatic individuals, transmission is actually driven by onset of symptoms:
individuals with late symptoms tend to transmit later,
and individuals with early symptoms tend to transmit earlier...
...but infectiousness increases gradually after infection, peaking precisely around onset of symptoms.
Hence, individuals with longer incubation periods are also infectious for a longer period before symptoms!
Also, the important role of pre-symptomatic transmissions was well known.
Transmissions before the day of symptom onset account for ~41% of all non-asymptomatic transmissions.
One of the reasons why prevention (masks, physical distance) and contact tracing are so important! 4/
But early symptomatic transmissions on the day of symptom onset and the next one represent also a large fraction ~35% of transmissions!

Rapid self-isolation as soon as even mild symptoms appear is key. Policies should be in place to facilitate it. 7/
Thanks to @ChristoPhraser, @DiseaseEcology, @JoannaMasel, @alice_ledda_, @ChrisWymant, Lele Zhao, Virginia Ledda, Lucie Abeler-Dorner, @anel_nurtay, Rob Hinch, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Ta-Chou Ng, Hsien-Ho Lin for some great teamwork!
And of course @UniofOxford @OxfordMedSci @bdi_oxford
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