I want to take a sec on #StarTrekDay to say what I like most about #StarTrek .

Star Trek proposes a radical idea of a future where humans figure it out - we eliminate poverty, war, disease and hunger. What emboldens me the most if if you pay attention, it isn’t so far-fetched.
Each element of its utopia can be traced back to feasible real world policies we could implement today to reduce misery and maximize well-being for everyone.
Unlike a lot of popular franchise sci-fi genre fiction, it is disinterested in tales of good vs. evil - its antagonists are systems or aliens operating under different cultural norms - solutions are rarely conquest but instead understanding.
Furthermore its conflicts are normally moral dilemmas where characters try to choose the option most likely to result in the most moral good. If a fight or war breaks out, something failed along the way, and the goal at that point is typically to achieve peace.
I might return to this thread later as other thoughts occur to me over the course of this #StarTrekDay .
Returning with some thoughts on #StarTrekDay . It's important that Star Trek isn't a chosen one narrative centered on a single group helping 1 guy. Most iterations are ensemble shows where the collective is important and the protagonist is likely to change from week to week.
This is because the real hero is humanity, and the antagonist is the unknown yet to be known. It's why diversity and representation has always been endemic to the show. It wants you to see yourself in the show because the story is about YOU and the lessons you can take from it.
But it's also more than that because it's important that YOU see that others are represented as well. Because the story isn't just about you - it's also about US. Infinite diversity means that you learn to see everyone as part of our collective human family. #StarTrekUnitedGives
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