Here’s a thread on the things that jumped out to me watching @BBCPanorama’s #SEND episode, as a parent of a child with #SpecialNeeds.

First of all, I share the same thoughts as this mother. It’s a scary thought that we’re racing against time to access support. #BBCPanorama
We’re fortunate that lockdown hasn’t been that tough. Our son is a happy boy & his #SpeechAndLanguage improved but it would’ve been nice to hear from more agencies. It took 4 months for @dudleypaedslt to contact us. We shouldn’t have to do all the chasing. #SEND #BBCPanorama
The #EHCP process is a minefield. We’ve been told by 2 independent experts that our son’s plan is vague & not worth the paper it’s written on. It can be hard for parents to understand the language in them. There needs to be more advice & support on this. #SEND #BBCPanorama
It was frightening to learn that supposed cash-strapped councils spent £40 MILLION last year taking parents on to defend against #EHCP appeals. They lost the majority of them. 🤯 That money would be better spent on improving #SEND #SpeechAndLanguage services. #BBCPanorama
The @CommonsEd Chair @halfon4harlowMP is spot on. It shouldn’t be adversarial. Authorities need to work WITH parents. Pre-lockdown, I attended consultations with @HelenEllis_1 @SusanemPowell who recognised this needs to change in #Dudley, which gives me hope. #BBCPanorama #SEND
However, this man - @ianhudspeth - is not spot on, in my opinion. It is NOT a ‘simple and efficient’ process. It’s stressful & not explained very well when you enter the #SEND system. It doesn’t guarantee the right support, at least it hasn’t yet in our son’s case. #BBCPanorama
And finally, this was unbelievable!! A Council allegedly offered money to a dad with 2 autistic children to move OUT of their area?! 🤯 The #SEND system needs to drastically improve. Stop fighting parents. Start listening & supporting them. Our children matter. #BBCPanorama
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