
Wokies say that all the time because in woke world to "disrupt, dismantle, and deconstruct" refers to a specific set of strategies for attacking something. So, let's talk about what it means to disrupt, dismantle and deconstruct.

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First, we must understand the woke want a TOTAL revolution. Disruption, dismantling, and deconstruction are the tools they plan to use to tear down everything in the way of that revolution. Here, Critical Theorist Henry Giroux explicitly states that the woke want a revolution:
What gets disrupted, dismantled, and deconstructed?
The answer is every social entity the woke think might prevent their "revolution." This includes but isn't limited to: language, music, art, churches, businesses, the military, universities, institutions, etc.
The woke think all of society needs to be transformed.


This means every single social entity we use to build a society, from family to government, needs to either get on board with the revolution or be disrupted, dismantled, and deconstructed.
How does it work?
1. Disruption

The woke think of oppression in terms of systems: social systems, legal systems, economic systems, and especially systems of language and communication. They think these systems oppress people, and this is key, even if we don't realize it...
The woke think we must stop these systems from being allowed to continue or function. We must DISRUPT the functioning of these systems. A disruption is anything that prevents a system the woke deem oppressive from going about it's typical everyday functioning...
There are generally two types of disruption
Physical disruption, and conceptual disruption.
A physical disruption is when the woke physically interfere with something in an attempt to hijack, ruin, or stop it.

Here, woke protesters physically DISRUPT a Jordan Peterson talk:
A conceptual disruption is to say or do something that intervenes in a narrative or discourse. For example, if during testimony time at church, someone got up during their turn and told the church they were racist. The woke would say that person DISRUPTED racism in the church
In other words:

A conceptual disruption occurs anytime someone interrupts a narrative or discourse by injecting wokeness as the new narrative or discourse.

A physical disruption occurs when someone does something that hijacks, destroys, or derails an "oppressive" system.
2. Dismantle

Dismantling is something the woke do to systems (or anything the woke say is a system) or institutions. An incomplete list of tings the woke might say they want to dismantle are: Capitalism, governments, universities, churches, businesses, the police, etc.
So how does dismantling work?
To dismantle something is to take the thing apart so it can no longer function at all. Where disruption tries to hijack or intervene or subvert, dismantling seeks to take apart and get rid of the thing in it's entirety. It gets rid of the thing.
Dismantling can take a few different forms.
One example of dismantling would be if a woke group took over a church by voting themselves on to the board, then voted to fire the pastor, and then voted to get rid of the statements of faith, and then sold of the building.
At that point the church would be DISMANTLED

Here is another example: suppose a group gets themselves voted in as the town council, defunds the police, fires the police officers, and repeals the laws that gave the police their power.

That group has DISMANTLED the police.
There are violent way to dismantle things as well.

If a group wanted to violently dismantle a 13th century monarchy they might loot the palace, break the crown and scepter, kidnap the king, torch the constitution if there is one, and burn the palace to the ground.
So that is what it means to dismantle, it is when you take apart and destroy a system or institution so that it no longer exists.

As a practical matter, dismantling thing using violence has typically been rare in America, but that has been for pragmatic reasons.
The woke often disrupt institutions and systems they want to dismantle. When they lack the power to fully dismantle something they may opt to disrupt it where they can. In the Peterson video they couldn't dismantle the university, but they could briefly disrupt the talk.
Finally we come to Deconstruction. I am going to do this one briefly and just touch on the major points.

An full thread on deconstruction can be found here for those interested: https://twitter.com/wokal_distance/status/1283646877699731456?s=20
3. Deconstruction is the way the woke attack, subvert, and undermine the meaning of the concepts, words, language, ideas, art, discourses texts symbols, and anything else we use to convey meaning. This is done to destroy the conceptual entities we use the build our society.
So this means they will try to redefine our language, change the meaning of words, reinterpret the law to say it's oppressive, reinterpret our art and media (music movies and TV) to say its is bigoted, and so on. Usually this takes the form of trying to find new ways of...
interpreting an ideas, concepts, theorys, etc, and leveraging the new interpretations against the old interpretations to create a conflict which they can say will only be solved via wokeness. But it can also take the form of mockery and parody to try to trivialize something.
Deconstruction seeks to destroy the MEANING of ideas, because doing so sucks the power out of those ideas so they can't function, and whatever is held together by those ideas (in this case our society) starts coming apart. The Woke want that so they can have their revolution.
A recap:
1. Disrupt: Hijack, ruin, or stop systems or institutions the woke deem oppressive
2. Dismantle: To take apart or destroy any institution or system the woke deem oppressive
3. Deconstruct: How the woke attack the meaning of conceptual entities we use to build society
If you put all three of those things together you get a potent cocktail of tools and strategies for tearing down a society from the inside...which is exactly what the goal of the woke is. They want a revolution.
So that's what the woke mean by disrupt, dismantle, and deconstruct: ripping apart the social entities that make up our society so they can start a revolution.

The woke are foolish, dangerous, and clueless. Fight back like our society depends on it, because it does.

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