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I envision a multi-disciplinary approach to ritual design:

depth psychology, mythopoeia, neuroscience, NLP, anthropology, ethnomusicology, embodiment practices, group dynamics, memetic mediation, aesthetics, UX design...
I envision a body of knowledge

One derived from first principles, that clarifies the importance of ritual and its role in our lives, that speaks to the layperson, their life experience, and their desire for meaning
I envision a ritual design toolkit

The structures, the components, the sequences, the nuances and subtleties of designing and enacting a proper ritual
I envision an living anthology of rituals

From all periods of history, from all cultures, for all occasions, of varying degrees of complexity, accessibility, religiosity/secularity, individual or communal, etc etc

Rituals to try, rituals to be inspired by, rituals to remix
I envision ritual design practitioners

Those who have mastered the trade. Those who understand the specific needs of an individual or a group (perhaps better than they do) and can design a ritual that will enhance their sense of well-being, meaning, and purpose
I envision ritual translators

Those who can mediate b/w different memetic tribes. Those who can adapt rituals so that their precious value may be carried from one tribe to another. Those who can help two tribes see that their rituals are the same, just under different names
I envision ritual emergency responders

Those who will serve us in times of crisis. Those who can read difficult & tense situations at the symbolic, archetypal, mythopoeic, and unconscious levels, and thus design the proper ritual of grief, of anger, of reconciliation
I envision a developmental understanding of ritual design

Simple & straightforward rituals for those yet unaccustomed to navigating liminal and numinous spaces. Complex & nuanced rituals for those ready to probe deeper aspects of self, relation, & reality. Layers upon layers
I envision both the mainstreaming and weirding of ritual

Ritual brought into the classroom, the boardroom, the living room, the locker room, the virtual room

But as it always as been, also rituals done in secret, under the cover of darkness, with only the initiated
I envision ritual as a primary mode of experiencing

No longer lost in a reductionist, material, object-focused perception of reality. Ritual will refocus our awareness on process, on transformation, on relations, on interdependence, on meaning
I envision a ritual design studio of my own

Employing and serving people from all walks of life, and all around the world, united under a single vision of improving people’s lives and communities through ritual and ceremony
I envision this body of knowledge and ritual design toolkit to be decentralized and open-source

May the design and distribution of rituals and ceremonies be frictionless so they may bring value to all, everywhere
You can follow @harveykrishna_.
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