tsukishima kei: a very necessary thread
please send this to someone who doesn't appreciate our king. this thread is directed to people who still don't like tsukishima despite everything he's been through and how we've seen him grow. here's my rebuttal to them

...or u can just tell them to dm me and we'll talk there 😄
let's discuss how wonderful his entire character is.

not only is he one of the prettiest AND most skilled characters in haikyuu... he may also be viewed as one of the most intelligent, observant, thoughtful, and selfless characters in this anime.
first off, let me just put this here to remind everyone that tsukishima is in college prep classes.

also, the fact that he can grade kageyama and hinata's practice exams with ease and he knows he won't make mistakes when he's helping them... his confidence in himself; we love it
however, his intelligence is not limited to his studies. as we've seen many times before during matches, kei is easily one of the smartest on his team.

he's a quick thinker and he knows how to piss off someone whenever he desires (one of my personal favorite things about him)
daichi can confirm that tsukishima is one of the most persistent, hardworking, and developed members on karasuno

kei has worked hard. for not being the MC, he has gotten a surprising amount of screentime showing how much he's grown and how much he was willing to change +
not only for getting karasuno as far as they could go, but he also changed for himself which is one of the most important and draining things someone could do for themselves.
one thing i often see people mention when they try to argue about not liking tsukishima, is his "lack of emotions" or in other words, they believe he can't make relationships and he's always lacked being nice to people
well, i don't know how close minded those people are, but i can disregard their statement easily😄

people show their emotions differently, that's obvious. tsukishima tends to show them where they're special in their own way. hes not the type to just compliment someone +
randomly/without a reason to.

one example would be his relationship with yamaguchi. its irritating that i have read multiple tweets about tsukishima being rude to his BEST FRIEND, when in reality thats not even close to being the truth. tsukishima cares about him a lot
not only is yamaguchi probably the strongest relationship he has, but he's always been there for him since the beginning. in return, yamaguchi has even encouraged kei during matches during their first year (and im assuming 2nd year-current as well)
whether u wanna accept this is up to u, but yamaguchi and tsukishima is one of the most loving, respectable, and strongest relationships in hq

another relationship people have a difficult time accepting is tsukki and hinata. pls read this analysis i made https://twitter.com/miyasamuu/status/1276275698844368896?s=19
the 3rd gym is an amazing example of tsukishima showing his emotions and knowing how to make relationships. this is specifically aimed towards kuroo

but first, let me briefly mention bokuto and akaashi. they both LOVE him, are u kidding me??
bokuto ADORES him. he loved practicing with tsukki and he was just the person kei needed to push him to strive more

reminder: bokuto was the one who made kei realize that he CAN love volleyball just like he used to. BOKUTO DID THAT AND EVERYONE SEEMS TO FORGET THEIR FRIENDSHIP
his relationship with akaashi is mainly filled with respect for one another and the fact that their personalities are so similar, it allows them to get along easily ever since the beginning

akaashi was always encouraging kei, both in person and when he was just observing +
tsukki play. akaashi respects him and everyone else should too. kei deserves it after how far he's made it

now... for one of my personal favorite discussions: kuroo's relationship with kei

he's grown SO MUCH just from kuroo's guidance alone, and u all know how smart and sincere kuroo is. i believe this is one of kei's strongest relationships, along with yamaguchi.
reading these panels alone should show how much kei has grown.

"he doesn't like volleyball and he's always rude to people"

then answer me this: why would kei, someone who supposedly "doesn't show emotions" and "has always been rude to everyone," say something like this?
it's bc he's grown. his character has developed multiple times, one being when he blocked ushijima, another during the kamomedai match, one in the beginning of training camp when yamaguchi confronted him, and finally, when he was face to face with kuroo once again
i don't think people realize how much hes been through to get where he is. starting as someone who wasn't trying his hardest and didnt see the point all of his teammates were trying to prove, he became someone who tried to keep the match going even when he's exhausted and injured
and he did !! multiple times !!

when ushijima hurt his hand, he still wanted to get back in despite the pain not going away. he did it again after he got a cramp in his leg and he told karasuno how to block when he's gone. he was more concerned about the game than himself !!!
allow me to add this clip
"tsukishima is so stuck up"

this is literally his humor. he's so dumb pls how could someone not love him? 😭

he deserves all the love in the world and i WILL continue to spread this agenda when necessary.
end of thread.

i didnt wanna make this too long đŸ„ș but just know i can and will win an argument against anyone who still believes he isnt a character worth loving

thank u for reading.

tsukishima kei deserves all the love in the world.

(he's so cute..)
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