Before I get back to work this evening, a caution: Experts tell us we have an extremely high likelihood of experiencing an explosion of COVID in late fall, winter. Our leaders are still stupid. Too many fellow citizens are uninformed. And many smart folks are getting careless...1
...people are tired of lockdown. That's what happens the need for long-term planning is sacrificed on short-term desire. We could have had this controlled in late May, but our president is a moron and too many of us are immature and stupid.

Now, let me throw out a number...2
...we are currently projected to have 400,000 deaths on January 1. The total number of American deaths from the 1918 flu - for the entire time - was 675,000. And if we manage to only be at 400,000, thats the time when the experts are predicting we will be in the middle...3
...of a major outbreak.

Here's what happens when an outbreak starts: Nothing. You don't see it, you don't feel it. Idiots like the Mayor of Tuscaloosa @WaltMaddox look out the window and say "hey! Not a lot of sickness out there!" But...there is. 40% of the infected show... symptoms. The people who will show symptoms are not known for as long as two weeks. What you see right now is what existed two weeks ago. What is happening now will not be known for two weeks.

The only things to risk: Grocery store and voting. Period.....
...if you're dumb enough that you dont care about getting sick with this terrible disease, fine. Die, get myocarditis, get lung lesions, your choice. But along the way, you are going to set off a chain of infection. People will die. YOU will kill them. Look at what happened in...
...that wedding reception in Maine. Three people now dead, hundreds sick, and the vast majority of them weren't even at the event.

So, don't get sloppy. If you can, stay home. If you can't, be careful. Protect those who have no choice by staying home if you do.....
...America has some of the greatest science & educational systems anywhere. So perhaps we should stop competing to be the stupidest country in the world

Stay safe. Things are going to get ugly. And you wont even know it has started until it has already been going for awhile.
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