Okay, then.

Let's talk about why racism specifically aspects of misogynoir are disturbingly present in fanpol circles.

If you are new around here I highly recommend you read this doc to better understand what exactly an "Anti" is -

Okay since the person above doesn't think there is an issue of bigotry in Anti-shipper circles let's discuss, shall we?

TW // || Racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism & aspects of misogynoir mentions + actions || Pedophilia & csa and sexual harassment mentions below ||
By far one of the biggest issues in Anti circles is how a lot of their ideology relates to aspects of authoritarianism.

They are obsessed with the idea of justly punishing someone for a hypothetical "crime" that has yet to be committed or planned. Despite the A/CAB in their bios
It's made even more evident with terms such as "freak" and other terminologies (many of which are far more ableist & disturbing)

The term freak is deliberately vague in order to ensure everyone can *hypothetically* fit into that box. Even the ones these people claim to protect.
Anyone can be a freak and a freak can be anybody.

"Your opinion is irrelevant! You are just a freak!"

The issue here, however, is when the "freak" defiles your pre-set ideas of what a "freak" is or should be.

And this is where we get to the racism & xenophobia
You see, when you spend the entirety of your days in a constant echo-chamber that reduces everyone you personally disagree with, to a "x" you will begin to feel justified in treating people, regardless of who they are, as an "x" because it's okay to do so...Right?
In other cases it is very VERY blatant the exact message that is being sent.

cw: graphic racism and pedophilia mention below

"It's okay to call a Black person a monkey! They are just a nasty freak anyways!"
Context: I made a semi-shitpost were 1 of the points was to say that fictional character/fantasies are fiction & we shouldn't be questioning our entire identities over it. Therefore, that logic can apply to other things too.

Someone felt I deserved to be called a monkey for it.
These types of situations happened as recently as yesterday. A white person proceeded to insult a Black person, stalk her profile page to search for selfies & has been harassing her since.

Even when educated that the person they are talking to was Black they still doubled down.
As mentioned above, when you boil everyone you dislike to an "x" it's easier to treat them not so kindly. It's easier to scale their humanity and what amount of respect they truly "deserve"

It's made even easier when you do this based off of what fictional media someone likes.
We in the Black community know a yt person's last weapon is always a micro-aggression, but to those who don't,

If you call a Black person: ugly, a monkey, dog or any other animal to hurt them you are being racist. It's a micro-aggression & it ain't the cute look you think it is
When you are in an argument and you are possessed with the overwhelming urge to insult a BIPOC person's appearance (specifically a Black woman's or a Black gncs appearance.) I advise you to ask yourself,


You'll find out a lot of things about yourself.
Also learn to address why you feel the urge to use AAVE & other Black languages in order to come off as "aggressive" & "sassy"

While you're at it, ask yourself why you feel the urge to boil and treat every Black woman & gnc you disagree with into a "angry black woman"
This applies to Bi-racial & non-blk POC as well. ESPECIALLY when that poc is dark-skinned.

When you feel the need to purposefully insult the appearance of someone who doesn't appeal to euro-centric beauty standards you aren't being "sneaky" you know very well what you are doing.
And yes.

Yes, you can even be a member of a BIPOC/Bi-racial community & still use harmful micro-aggressions such as these against others.

You aren't different to the self-hating Black men who insult and abuse Black women & queer people daily.

You support that mentality.
Fun fact! When I called out the twit above they proceeded to backpedal hard & insist liz was "light skinned" & it's "okay" because they are Bi-racial too.

So...that means you get to call people mutts & a mixed breeds?

Mind you, none of us have any idea what we look like irl.
You could of called a dark-skin woman a dog.

Many people don't know the trauma & hurt many Black and Darked-skin woc/qpoc face when we are compared to animals.

We get called those things to be dehumanized and hurt.

But you don't see that when everyone you dislike is an "x"
I personally do not form a creepy parasocial relationship to a stranger on the internet I disagreed with & then proceed to conjure a hypothetical image of what that person may look like irl to be racist & colourist, so I really can't relate to this person's struggles...🥴
Calling and comparing Black and Bi-racial women & gncs to animals (specifically dogs, horses and monkeys) is a micro-aggression and you know it.

You are supporting racist and colourist ideologies even if you are a part of that BIPOC group. Your massa mentality is showing.
Stop calling us "house negros" "pick mes" & the n-word when we disagree with you too.

Sorry, but BIPOC communities aren't hiveminds. We aren't your little tokens you can use in your internet wannabe woke arguments. We aren't your little pets.

We are individuals. We are people.
When everyone you dislike is a "freak" even BIPOC & LGBTQ+ people, you get confronted with some puzzle pieces that just won't fit and you are then left with 2 options.

"Be open minded or Double down on your pre-set ideas..?"
You people really normalized micro-aggressions & racism because you can't handle the idea that real human beings are more important than your anime boy ship.

We can have nuanced discussions. WE CAN. But i'm not gonna get anywhere if Betty Mcwhites keep calling me an ugly freak.
We aren't gonna get anywhere if you come into an argument not even seeing the people you are arguing or going to argue with as human.

But I don't verbally and sexually harass people online over anime ships, so I can't relate.
Ask yourselves WHY you think Black women & gncs deserve to be treated like this when they disagree with you.

Ask yourselves WHY you see Black women & gncs as a "threat" or some type of "suck up" or "lapdog" when we aren't your perfect token to use. Same goes for other POC.
Ask yourselves WHY you get so upset when you find out we have independent thoughts & opinions outside of whatever fantastical ideology you wanted so badly for us to have and not question said ideology in any way shape or form.

You'll find out a lot about yourselves. A lot.
Stop trying to dehumanize BIPOC whenever we don't think people should be harassed over cartoons. You are talking about R E A L people.

Your moral high ground doesn't excuse you from racism. You being a part of a marginalized group doesn't excuse you from bigotry.
Also if you people could stop using terms like bootlicker (A term used to describe actual real issues like people who support the police) to describe BIPOC/anyone in general who don't agree with you or treat it as some kind of fancy word to use to sound smart online. Please stop.
tw // graphic pedophilia mention & sexually aggressive comments

Adding this. I love being a Black enby & being sexually harassed & told i deserve to be marginalized, deserve pain & i'm not even human because I don't think people deserve harassment over cartoon drawings.
Yall dumbasses prove my point every single day.

I'd call you a clown but that would imply your existence entertains me somehow.

Also good job triggering csa survivors by putting zero warning with your comment.

Really showing how much you care about protecting us! 🥺 /s
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