Hey @proctorio @artfulhacker How do you explain this?
You have strings referencing

"A Proctorio agent will review and verify the test taker's room scan"
“live id check”

All while still saying that professors are the only ones who can access recordings and look at students?
“Test takers will connect to a live human based on suspicion level during the exam” - seemingly, if you raise enough flags to the algorithm during your exam, Proctorio's "agents" will spy on you.
These so-called “agents" appear to have full access to the feed of students' exams.
While "verifying room” they can take actions through a UI prompt asking them “How should Proctorio respond to Verify Room violations?” options are:
- Interrupt the exam to ensure compliance
- Immediately remove the test taker from the exam
- Add incident to Proctorio Gradebook
Here's a list of metrics Proctorio looks for & flags:
- Changes in audio levels
- Abnormal clicking
- Abnormal copy & pastes
- Abnormal exam duration
- End times
- Eye movement
- # of faces
- Head movement
- Abnormal movement of mouse
& more https://pastebin.com/2Kbez442 
They use these metrics to compare you to other students in the class, flagging students and their deviation away from the average number of
- copy/pastes
- resizes
- audio spikes
- head & eye movements
- mouse movements
- keystrokes https://pastebin.com/PtPiv8sM 
Your attempt can be terminated if…
- 2+min disconnection
- Attempt to modify page
- Attempt to download a file
- Plugged in a monitor
- (Un)plugged camera/mic
- “hardware malfunction”
- Switched networks
- Switched Proxies
- Reloaded tab https://pastebin.com/gWtv3V9x 
In some cases, you will have to scan your room. At the begining of the exam, and during if your suspicion level raises. Proctorio compiles the footage into a street-view like 360 image of your room/house that your professor can access and seemingly proctorio "agents” too.
If you have a poor internet connection, Proctorio isn't so nice about it…
“No, your connection is terrible and you will experience issues during an exam. If you decide to take an exam on this connection we will notify your institution you were warned and ignored the warning.”
The Proctorio chrome extension "self-destructs" and uninstalls itself if it sees a chrome devtools window open, and redirects students to this page in an attempt to scare them. https://lti.proctor.io/hacker  It doesn't lock your IP and it doesn't forward anything to an admin.
A similar thing happens if it detects a proxy https://az545770.vo.msecnd.net/lti/proxy  or a network interception https://az545770.vo.msecnd.net/lti/intercept 
On the topic of proxies/network auditing, Proctorio seemingly routes ALL of your chrome browsing traffic through their servers and hides it from any tools.
This isn't just active when you're taking a test, it ALWAYS does this if it's installed. For example, if you open Charles/Burp with the proctorio extension installed, you won't see ANY of your network traffic from chrome. I can't see where it's sending data because no DevTools.
It's seemingly impossible to tell when the proctorio extension is collecting data from your browser and when it's not. It has all permissions whenever installed and could be logging data 24/7. They claim that they use “zero-knowledge encription" and don’t have access to data.
However, I'm not sure how true this statement is when there's clearly a way for "agents" to view exam streams, when the CEO posts a student’s chat logs publicly to attack him, and when they put a law suit against someone linking tutorial videos. see: https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/comments/ilsusk/proctorio_is_suing_one_of_our_ubc_champions_for/
Not only are the privacy concerns very real, but Proctorio, by nature, discriminates against low-class families. Forcing a student to have a private, quiet room with a quality webcam, microphone, stable internet connection, and computer can be nearly impossible for some.
Students everywhere have been sharing their concerns through tweets, petitions, and more. @Procteario has a collection of some of these student voices. As a student at @miamiuniversity I think @PresGreg and the university needs to reconsider its adoption of the Proctorio spyware.
Not just MU, but campuses across the country need to take into account the company's practices, CEO's behavior, privacy concerns, and student morale. Change isn't going to happen if the universities and your professors don't know about these things.
End of thread for now, but I will update as I come across more information. Hopefully @artfulhacker will unprivate his account and come out of damage control mode that his actions of posting a student's chat logs incited, and actually address concerns of the public.
Here are a few YouTube videos that are “unlisted" however, they are linked to from multiple publicly accessible university websites.
Proctorio Gradebook Tour: Shows how Proctorio sorts and displays student attempts by "suspicion level”
Here's one that shows some of the Lockdown options:

And a full 15 minute demo of Proctorio working in the Canvas LMS.
And here’s a few more that aren't very notable and just show where to access certain areas of the software:

Again, these videos are all located on easily accessible websites that can be found with a quick Google search. Including this PDF document detailing the Proctorio Gradebook: https://my.namejeff.com/3AaIrsH3.pdf 
No explanation needed. https://twitter.com/leap4emily/status/1304130623611625472
More community response regarding proctoring software. Teachers threatening to force students to pay for a more invasive remote proctoring software. Incredible. https://twitter.com/legendariee16/status/1304098649186742273
You may be unable to use it if you have any of these installed. It does this by looking at audio/video inputs/outputs, and user agent strings. https://pastebin.com/BR5ivdmm  Sources for all of these files can be found yourself by accessing the chrome directory for extensions. Paths are:
Mac: ~/Library/Application\\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/fpmapakogndmenjcfoajifaaonnkpkei/1.4.20241.1_0/

Windows: C:\\Users\\<Your_User_Name>\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Extensions\\fpmapakogndmenjcfoajifaaonnkpkei\\1.4.20241.1_0\\
The file containing all the UI prompts from the first few tweets is located at /_locales. Open up the messages.json file in a text editor and read on. The path containing the application names can be found by searching the folder's files for a keyword or, /assets/Js2Q.js
Also, here's some more videos:
https://twitter.com/zenalbatross/status/1304464546514563077?s=20 Any students or even professors with experiences of their own, please contact @zenalbatross! Not just with Proctorio, but any other remote proctoring software.
Yet another great thread on Proctorio: https://twitter.com/angry_cassie/status/1301360994044850182
RE: The email that went a bit viral. McGraw Hill Education is partnering with Proctorio to expand their surveillance/proctoring capabilities and features. See: https://www.mheducation.com/highered/connect/proctorio.html If you want to see some of the features, click "take a tour"
There's references to a Proctorio desktop application. in Js2Q.js, it has a console warning that states
"{console.warn("Proctorio desktop application is not installed!");" Interesting... To my knowledge, they're only a chrome extension so that wording is odd.
In q75s.html:
"id="pio_header_assigned_proctor" data-pio-tooltip="The name of the proctor assigned to review the attempt">"
Ummm I thought "Proctorio uses advanced machine learning and facial detection technology... that outperforms human proctors."& I doubt their AI has names...
""C059":{"message":"You may not have food on your desktop nor eat during the exam."
""C060":{"message":"You may not have drinks on you desktop nor drink during the exam."
Proctorio's defense against these features will likely be "They can be turned on/off by prof"
I don't know if it's just me, but even having the OPTION to disallow food/drink is not remotely okay. Humans need food/water to survive. How did anyone think this was okay? Since when is drinking water cheating or academic dishonesty??
""C064":{"message":"You may not take the exam in a public setting such as a coffee shop or library with others in the general vicinity."
What about those in dorms? Or those without a private area accessible? During an actual classroom exam, aren't there people all around you?
I am NOT encouraging any of you to use a Chrome extension source viewer in order to download, disseminate, copy, record, post, transfer, or share any of Proctorio's source documents publicly available on the chrome web store. By all means, DO NOT DO THIS.
"You may not mandate Authorized End Users use the Application Service."
Essentially stating that your schools who have agreements with Proctorio, can't make you use the Application. However, I'm unsure about how this may interact with your own school's policies.
Just launched a petition directed @miamiuniversity in hopes of informing students and administration of the issues regarding Proctorio. Please go and sign to show the university your support! http://chng.it/rR7h6wVnz2 
You can follow @ejohnson99.
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