We just drove three hours my 8-year-old brother for a getaway and the house we arrived at ended up having seemingly satanic items and stuff for witchcraft rituals.

We had to leave because my brother (and the rest of us) were frightened. But @Airbnb won’t refund me. (THREAD)
I rented this house to do writing and spend time with my fiancé, brother, and cousin. It seemed like a nice place, pretty basic layout from the listing (pictures below).

But as we drove up we noticed there were no other houses in the area just rundown shacks and no phone signal.
When we walked up to the house we noticed an animal skull hanging on the outside of the house, so I went inside to check it out.

When I walked I went to the basement and found more animal skulls and ritualistic floor markings and then I went up to the rooms to find much more.
As we walked through the two rooms we found a bunch of imagery, candles, books, etc for rituals and what looked like devil worship. My brother was terrified, as were we.

We called @Airbnb and told them we couldn’t stay there and explained the situation.
We were told that we couldn’t receive a refund and they spoke to the owner who said there were just a few small art pieces that they could come remove. This was a lie, it was the whole damn house not a few things.

There was also a bridge from the woods behind the house to the back patio.

Needless to say, we left because we are Black and not dealing with something that was:

1. advertised completely different
2. Looks like a scene from Hereditary
3. Made the entire family feel unsafe
All of that to say, this isn’t how guests should be treated. I use @Airbnb frequently and there are many reasons in this situation which should warrant a refund. Especially our safety and mental/emotional health.
You can follow @FredTJoseph.
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