#vaccine and inoculation history. Newspapers in 1913. What was really happening outside of the “The Science is settled” script?
Here is a newspaper article from December 17,1913 (over 100 years ago) in regard to “Serum therapy” another term for inoculations/vaccinations.
The highlights of this article include:
*How the medical class has gained a monopoly of medical hierarchy healing to only their system. That this system is intolerant and tyrannical that it compares to the Dark Ages which crushed human life.
*That the AMA is striving for 20 years (since 1893) to obtain a national seat of power in Washington to control the National bureaus of Health dominated by doctors who will be paid by the government. That millions of government money go into the pockets of political doctors.
* That instead the AMA did not relieve humanity of disease but shackled the people of the United States into bands against their freedom and reduce the people to medical serfdom (bondage, slavery). & #Worldwide
*That #smallpox was no more dangerous than #measles (1913 where measles was a rite of passage the same as losing baby teeth) & that in 1738, measles& smallpox was classed together as mild #diseases. That in 1669 Dr. Thomas Syndennam wrote smallpox is the most SLIGHT of diseases”
*After the introduction of #smallpox inoculation then smallpox spread rapidly and became the scourge of the 18th century.
*That smallpox inoculations and #Vaccines depopulated whole towns and filled cemeteries.
*That in a free country where citizens are free to make their own decisions in various systems of healing, the death rate of #diphtheria is 12-14 percent. But under compulsory (vaccine) laws the death rate is 40 percent.
*That some #medical professions who used non-drugging methods are #arrested when found that patients rapidly healed under their non-drug treatments. Articles courtesy of Medical Historian Robin Goffe.
https://archive.org/stream/b2136140x#mode/2up For those that are interested in this subject may be interested to read this written in 1889 called "45 years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous".
http://www.whale.to/vaccine/wallace/7.html?fbclid=IwAR0Cbdg9ke1quvdBhuINOD3FPsyTNLn2vIiKp56NjiV-XI0aNjgeX4HmwGg. Thus the Small-pox death-rate is actually less for the unvaccinated than for the vaccinated in infants, and equal for all the higher ages;
Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses smallpox from 1797 - 2005. @DrsuzanneH
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