Alright so I'm about to tell ya'll the story of what led me to the conclusion that Sex is massively overrated . #storytime
I really hope none of my boys or anybody I know finds this tweet because they will know who I'm talking about 🀣🀣 but fuck it I'll just deny it and say I was joking if they do..
Alright so it all started last summer ! me and my boy( from high school) were having a convo about girls (like we always do ) and we was trynna link some tings ..
My boy had just got a girl ,so as the caring friend that he is , he was trynna give me some of his hoes ...
Obviously I know him and I know he isn't gonna give me the nice ones 🀣.. but you man need to understand: I actually live what I tweet about ( pussy is pussy to me) and if it's easy, unfortunately I wont say no to it ..
So yeah he sends me bare girls from his snap to add but I really couldn't be bothered messaging them, (it was too much hard work) so he send me a last snap and tells me "this girl" went our high school.
So yeah I check the name and I'm actually suprised that he had her in his snap 🀣🀣 "this girl" used to be really big in high school .
I'm talking big big .
So yeah she was biiiiig but I'm thinking in my head surely after all these years she is not big anymore πŸ‘€
My boy hadn't seen her in person since high school too and you see "this girl yeah " ...she was big but she had a pretty face !
She's actuay the definition of catfish because when she takes a selfie, you will think she is peng but you will not know that she is big big biiiiiiig
So yeah her face is actually very calm ..so obviously I'm thinking she must have glowed up and lost weight !
Also I know she is easy because since high school she's been easy.. (I didn't speak to her in high school tho)
She was so easy that the first time I saw her (when I was new to the school) she was at the front of the class and turned around and did this... but obviously I ignored it because there is other girls watching.
Anyway long story short I add her , she adds back straight away ..
She asks who I am , I tell her , then she ask for a picture and k send her one, then she still acts like she dont remember but she does obviously... but you man know how girls love to cap
After that month go past and I even forget about her ,
like i don't even talk to her all I did was send her my pic and basically remind her who I am..
I added her in august ( a day when I was roasting) and didnt speak to her this whole time ...
and then November comes and that month was so bad man 🀣🀣

I lost bare money at the casino and when I lose money I actually get sad .. I dont know I just wanted to punish myself..
So I messaged her one day just to see wagwan , I just put eyes as well 🀣..
Then she replied with some mad energy saying why did I stop talking to her ...( I knew damn well I never even started )
Then I said something along the lines of "I was busy and I'm gonna take you serious"
Then small convo happened and I said "when can I see you" and she said tonight
Alright so everyone knows I'm a business man and I can actually make people money ..
Making people money makes me money... and that day I needed money i needed a holder.
Girls are the best type of "holders" because they are not too greedy and also they are more trustworthy
So she gave me her postcode and I first went to my boys house that don't live far from her ( she told me to come when her parents leave)
I told my boy I'm going to her yard to make ps but really and truly I knew that they would be a high chance that we would fuck..

But yh you know me pussy is pussy and my friends know that too, so I ask my boy for condoms he gives me some , she send me the text that her mums gone to work, and I go..
When I reach there I dont even know what I expected but it wasnt this.
I did not expect what was about to happen
Anyway I'm not going to explain jn detail because I wouldn't be able to deny it if not but yh..
It was really bad
She was way bigger than in high school πŸ’”
She opened the door barely naked and told me to come upstairs straight away .
I told me boy I came to make money remember???
When I saw she was even bigger I should have just left but in my head i was thinking let me just go and make the money...
I followed her upstairs
Her room was full of candles and it was clear she did not invite me to talk .. she was just tooo easy..
But a nigga like me really dont care as long as nobody finds out ..
We talk like 10 min
She starts smoking weed and drinking ...
She asks me if I want to smoke I say no but then she asks me if I want to drink and I said yh cah what was about to happen I know I had to forget about it + if anybody finds out I can just say I was drunk loool
She was soooo biiiig man and she was chatting shit , telling me everyone's business I just made sure I didnt talk too much or else she would tell my business to other people too ..
Then yh I'm not gonna go into detail but my fingers went where she wanted them to go and then I did what I had to do .. #shame
Alright so after I did what I had to do she just wanted more and more and more rounds ... its 4 am now and I'm like yo I need to go !
What I didn't tell you is that I had a condom on obviously but that she is so big yeah that I dont know how, I really dont know how but ..
When I finished I looked at my dick and I did not see a condom πŸ’”πŸ€”πŸ˜©πŸ˜―
I started panicking and told her to move I was looking for the condom everywhere and I couldnt see it ????
The only possible explanation is that it was inside her coochie 😑😑😑
How can you be so big that a condom gets stuck inside your coochie 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑 , after that I just went home and started deeping life
The only positive is that it was like the 4th round so my tank was empty ..
And I didn't even bust.
But the way my luck is set up: while my dick was inside her (without a condom) I could have got an std or worse I could still make her pregnant (precum)... so I was pissed .
This is footage of me entering my house at 5am
To this day I still get flashbacks of the moment I realised the condom wasn't on ...
But this is not the worst part of the story ...
Actually it is but it gets worse
So yh obviously I dont tell no one about this because my friends would actually unfriend me 🀣🀣🀣
I only tell my boy from high school that sent me her snap cah yeah that's my partner in crime !

He told me when I saw what she looked like I should have just gone home.....
Obviously I trust him not to tell anyone and even if he does nobody would believe it loool and I would just deny
I told you that the girl is a chatty patty like the biggest chatty patty ever .. so yh she probably told her friends but I just hope her friends dont believe her ... and if they ever confront me I will just deny.
Anyway I blocked her off social media because I just couldn't keep being reminded of that shit ...
And I didn't want her to take advantage of me again she kept asking me to come back but nope I learned my lesson
Something about the condom disappearing really didn't sit right with me I couldn't even sleep at night then 5 month later... my boy from highschool calls me and tells me to "guess what "
Then I keep guessing but obviously dont find the answer then he just tells me
"The girl" is pregnant.
I nearly fainted I thought he was joking so I said show me a screenshot and he took it then showed me ...
I started seeing triple I'm not joking I was about to cry
I told him bro I would rather go to jail for 3 years than have my first child with her 😯😯😯 ..
In my head it was definitely me aswell because WHO ELSE IS GONNA HAVE SEX WITH HER ??? And it was corona time
So yh I added her straight away I was shaking and I was so fake :
I was like yoo what's good congratulations on your baby blablabla
Then she was like aww thank you ect but she didnt say who was the father so at first I tried asking like yo how many month are you pregnant then she said 4 or 3 ..
It was like 6/5 month that we had sex so I was a little bit happy because it couldnt have been me
Like I don't want her to be my baby mama but I'm the type of person I just have to be sure because I actually want to take care of my kids..
So I stopped being indirect and i told her " who's the dad if it's not me " ( I had to make sure ) then she said her ex but I don't believe her
So I just made her promise me it wasnt my baby , then she did and I saved the chat on snapchat and never messaged her again
Today as I'm typing this tweet she still hasn't gave birth (my boy has her on snap and updates me)

And I had sex with her 9/10 month ago so it can't be mine she must have been saying the truth ...
Alright so this is the end of the story of why I think sex is overrated.

Like a few hours that I didn't even really enjoy could have ruined my life ...

I wouldn't even be tweeting right now I would be taking care of a baby and my mum would be ashamed of me smh
If you read until the end please like this tweet .

And yh try learn from my mistakes ..

And if you know me in real life no point trying to accuse me because I will just deny and say it was a joke. #safe
My life is a movie for real I should actually start a youtube channel but I actually have shame ...
Maybe if I wear a mask like mhuncho ?
I just read the thread so forgive me for my mistakes this is just how I tweet I don't check before I type ..

I also forgot to say that I did all this and this girl didn't even have online banking so I didnt make any money 😑😑😑😑😑
If you read my story time you might aswell follow me I will follow back !

People that follow me know I dont lie , why would I need to lie ?
But yh if you think im lying it's cool, and if you know who I am in real life just ignore this thread
I'm seeing people get mad because I said she was big ?
When I say big I dont mean a little bit BIG.
I mean biiiiiiiiiiiiig like the type that if I told you I had sex with her you wouldn't believe...

My boy even saw her in town and said she looked like a pokemon.
You can follow @lovehahamoney.
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