1) Clones, fakes, holograms and AI. How easy to manipulate when everything is online right now. Ppl are not always who you think they are. Who is running the narrative? Read to the end to get to real clones vs AI.
2)Question; why is everything by zoom or online right now? There are a lot of theories so I'll just put some things out there that you can explore. 1st here is a video of what is capable of with AI 2 years ago.
3)Creepy huh? Here is video showing AI w/video & fake photos? Can you trust what U see and hear? AI is advancing fast. Was your car really where u say it was? Was the video of what you saw real or AI generated? Can they divide u with fake video? Yes. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2295298380799402&extid=jFb61ii134uHyIEG
4) In 12 months, AI advanced from a choppy kinda real version to not being able to tell the difference. That is how fast it is evolving.
5) You help AI learn by using all those cute apps that show you aged, an emoji of you, or as another gender; also voice recognition apps you provide train AI
6)Here u see how a few photos off the internet they can take what 1 person says and project it on to another person and it seems the 2nd person is the one saying it. Also, holograms r real and u don’t even know the person is not there. Think George Floyd
7) ok I went there. George Floyd. Do U have questions about all the surroundings? Conflicting pictures and video. What really happened? Can things be made to appear different than they really are? YES, they can
8) Disinformation is a war right now. I believe they are trying to undermine democracy by fake video. How do you know the difference? They are losing so their only hope is disinformation that looks real.
9) whistle blower Emery Smith talks about actual clones. A deep underground project. Just gonna through this out there but for those who remember molly the cloned sheep have to wonder if it was possible 23 years ago how much more now.
10) I believe there is so much out there that is fake and it is difficult to distinguish between fake and real so we must have on the armor of God and we must use discernment. @shellpetracek @dons3d @DAmaya64972547 @Mayflower77745 @ChanelRion @patton6966 @Lin56095573
Thought I would add this to my thread about cloning. Yes a Canadian company has been at cloning since 1997. Crazy but true. http://clonaid.com/page.php?12 
and another 'breakthru' here... we may not want to believe it but since Molly the sheep 23 years ago cloning has only been growing not ending... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=clonaid&atb=v239-3__&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DatMKZgXhcps
@shellpetracek someone in winters told me about this guy
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