Because Holodomor denialism is as trendy for commies as Holocaust denialism is for Nazis, you get a (graphic) thread:
The Holodomor was a man made famine in Soviet Ukraine in the early 1930s. Many countries recognize this famine as a genocide committed against the Ukrainian people by the Soviet Union. The number of Ukrainians who perished is comparable to the casualties of the Holocaust.
The origins of this genocide are rooted in the slaughter of the Kulaks. Kulak was a word used to describe Ukrainian peasant farmers with over eight acres of land. In 1930, the Soviet Central Committee started a campaign to “liquidate the Kulaks as a class.”
Soviet soldiers would show up at Kulak farms, slaughter the inhabitants, and loot whatever valuable possessions remained. These lootings were documented and we now know that, on average, each Kulak had a net worth of $160 (adjusted for inflation in 2020 USD).
The Kulaks were the most productive farmers in Europe. This region in Ukraine is known as “the black earth” because the soil is absurdly rich. Despite this, the Soviet state still managed to fuck everything up once these farms were collectivized under the state.
Not only did agricultural output decrease significantly, but Stalin had most of the grain shipped to Moscow or sold internationally. Mass famine and death ensued. Cannibalism and human meat markets became commonplace as parents struggled to feed their children.
The Soviets predictably took zero responsibility and instead spread propaganda blaming this famine on churches: “People who eat one another because of the famine are not cannibals. Cannibals are those who do not want to turn church's gold into bread for the hungry.”
The United Nations estimates that between 7-10 million Ukrainians starved during the Holodomor. Millions more were shipped to gulags where they worked as slaves until death.
If you’re interested in learning more, Mr. Jones is an excellent film about the first western journalist who snuck into Ukraine during this time and exposed these collectivist atrocities. It also highlights how the bitch ass @nytimes tried to cover it up.
Also, give @HotTankie a follow to see how far commies will go to deny this shit.
I messed up. This is a photo from the wrong famine. Here is another:
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