Clackamas Trump rally
A proud boy addressed the crowd
Trump rally
Speaker tells crowd to sign up on clipboard for “flash rallies”, ones that won’t be posted on social media and will happen in different cities
Brent georgeson, says he saw all the cars and was curious, “not much to do in this city”
Organizer gives route details, says police will close off lanes, Proud boys riding with caravan and continuing on to Salem for rally with others like Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibsom
It appears a private(?) firetruck is leading the caravan
The trump caravan is turning on the 205 south
“Trump 2020, unlimited years”
The caravan will turn around at some point, proud boys will continue on to Salem for a rally. OPB will follow
The trump caravan on 205 south
Motorcyclists for Trump
The trump rally in Salem, the Oregon capital
Proud boys and BLM across the street from each other
Trump side
The BLM side
Both sides are staring at each other
Proud boys bull rush BLM, take baseball bat to man, then proud boy punches man on the ground, woman then maces him on the ground
Police are here, tell proud boys to turn around. No arrests.
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