Overpopulation is an ecofascist myth, it's fundamentally racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, ableist, classist, and misogynistic. It has absolutely no place in modern environmental activism
It shocks me every time I see someone well meaning fall for it without realizing its eugenicist and genocidal implications. It targets POC in the global south with exterminationist rhetoric, with a focus on Black and immigrant populations in the west.
It centers solutions around destroying bodily autonomy, especially for those capable of pregnancy. Poor WOC and trans POC become the focal point of Malthusian genocide.
It directs the blame for eco-catastrophy at the global poor, nations only recently freed from their european oppressors and struggling against neo-imperialism. It targets disabled people, seen as leeches further depriving the world of its supposedly fleeting resources
The myth of overpopulation taken to its logical conclusion advocates for genocide on a global scale. The culling of POC populations, the extermination of the disabled, the destruction of bodily autonomy and reproductive rights, and hegemony of exterminationist white ethnostates
It ignores the teachings of indigenous peoples. It ignores the potential for decolonization. It ignores anti-capitalism. It ignores ecological solutions. It ignores the potential for a social ecology that allows humanity to enrich nature and nature to enrich humanity
The myth of overpopulation states that it is not the way humanity interacts with nature that puts both nature and humanity at risk, but that the very existence of humanity is an inherently destructive force alien to nature that must be culled and controlled
The reality is that humanity is just as much a part of nature as anything else. We have a place in this world. Sure, we have the potential to destroy nature, but we have the potential to enrich it and ourselves beyond what either alone could manage.
Anyways have some eco optimism this is cool as hell https://twitter.com/beka_valentine/status/1303051756117487621?s=19
hi I'm well aware that current rates and methods of resource extraction, production, consumption, and waste are unsustainable but the number of people is not the primary factor driving that and a robust overhaul of our economy, infrastructure, etc. is needed, not pop control
a lot of the people confused by this thread seem to be missing that the creators of the overpopulation theory advocated for much of what I described and that none of these are beyond the pale, everything I've described has already happened historically + in some cases currently
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