Wrong question. The wildfires we’re seeing are in part of a consequence of a legacy of 100 years of fire suppression (and climate change). https://twitter.com/judegomila/status/1303013534591115264
It pains me that “wildfire” is now used as a political excuse to block bills allowing more infill housing in the urban core away from the wildland-urban interface. (I’m looking at you @HenrySternCA for your bullshit ass vote against #sb50 last spring.) https://twitter.com/mjc565/status/1303031503442464769?s=21
At the same time, Californian voters don’t understand how (at least initially) expensive prevention can be. Think $10K a stump to remove a mature euc (or like $1M to clear a few blocks w a grove) or $3-4M to underground 1 mi of wire in the Bay Area. https://twitter.com/vamonosla/status/1303033159924084736?s=21
Then again, 100 houses in the Bay Area is like $100-200M of real estate so putting a few million down to protect it shouldn’t be that insane. But lots of homeowners (especially older ones) don’t have the cashflow to support it.
Not trolly. Could envision a California of mid rise density surrounded by vineyards as the WUI (they served as unintentional firebreaks in Wine Country) but we couldn’t even get duplexes done this year. https://twitter.com/vamonosla/status/1303034341375668224
Yes, in certain jurisdictions in Oregon, having out-of-control vegetation on your own property is a public nuisance and can come with abatements or penalties. https://twitter.com/iam_lpettingill/status/1303042868651589633?s=21
💡 Yes, California features much of the latter. Curious how prevalent this is in Oregon, where Portland is famous for its urban growth boundary. https://twitter.com/ericpanzer/status/1303047574929121281?s=21
Wildfire 👏 is 👏 a 👏 land-use 👏 problem. https://twitter.com/mjc565/status/1303051011108470784
Wildfire 👏 is 👏 a 👏 land-use 👏 problem. https://twitter.com/mjc565/status/1303052039841169408
Anyway, buckle up. Tonight is the real opener of fire season. The last session featured fires that grew that big w/out wind. 🤯

Tonight we start our first fall offshore winds and we will have several of these until the first rains. https://twitter.com/nwsspc/status/1303060877092859904?s=21
I mean, look at this dry, hot wind basically over the entire state of Oregon later tonight.
I should add, unlike @HenrySternCA who says nice things about housing & wildfire but votes the opposite way, there *are* good legislators who balance both concerns like @ilike_mike, representing much of Northern California from Marin to the Oregon border. https://twitter.com/ilike_mike/status/1303066332385034240?s=21
Also, remember the 147 million trees that died over the last several years? That’s why there’s so much fuel load in the Sierras with relatively minimal wind (until tonight’s offshore winds event). https://www.sfchronicle.com/outdoors/stienstra/article/With-147-million-dead-trees-Californians-brace-14072558.php https://twitter.com/thejdmorris/status/1303094002179125248
Wind is now on its way. Carried this fire in Washington State forward by 50 miles?! https://twitter.com/weathertrader/status/1303075258983829506?s=21
Destroyed a town. https://twitter.com/zachanderstv/status/1303122145682141186
Filled Portland with smoke. https://twitter.com/bmactv/status/1303142801060712448?s=21
If you’re feeling literary, read Joan Didion on the Santa Ana wind in 1965: …http://theessayexperiencefall2013.qwriting.qc.cuny.edu/files/2013/12/Joan-Didion_on-the-Santa-Anas-.pdf
If you’re feeling scientific, read about the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge: https://news.stanford.edu/press-releases/2016/04/01/pr-drought-patterns-change-040116/
Is any major city on the West Coast going to have clean air tomorrow? https://twitter.com/morgankiro7/status/1303149057041248256
More from Washington State tonight. Winds will reach the North Bay overnight and escalate throughout the morning before settling in the evening. https://twitter.com/carplips/status/1303154509066067970?s=21
Gonna add this to the thread today. I think I write this same thread every year. https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/1303397752609452032
. @jerrybrowngov told us in his #capandtrade speech in 2017:

"A lot of you people are going to be alive. And you’re going to be alive in a horrible situation. You’re going to see mass migrations, vector disease and forest fires." https://twitter.com/APWestRegion/status/885680736610562049
Does this merit the governor calling a special session? https://twitter.com/cmarinucci/status/1303410182534299648
😭 This is much harder than telling people to wear a mask or not. This is about where people should or shouldn't live, and what public resources can be expended to support living in more firesafe areas. https://twitter.com/HowardKushlan/status/1303412780683288577
Told you in April. https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/1253442099036303360
Warned the night of the first lightning storm. https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/1294897668162859010
On the positive side, doesn't look like there will be another offshore winds event for at least 2 weeks or so. So just got to ride out these particular fires and this particular smoke.
On the negative side, we have more than two months left to go in the total season, assuming rains come around Thanksgiving. (Rains used to come around Halloween growing up).
Per @judegomila's original question, we could do a Green New Deal supporting enormous #s of new jobs for mass tree thinning & vegetation management across the West + tech for aerial mapping & labeling of fuel loads. https://twitter.com/mattlynley/status/1303741501537570816?s=20
Also, here's a Fire Season Twitter list I curated if you're interested in subscribing to meteorologists, government agencies, fire scanner watchers, etc.: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1297763756051578880
All of this ash will also enter our water system: https://twitter.com/frkearns/status/1303777802206900224
Re-upping @pyrogeog's thread on wildfire mitigation strategies from.... pretty much exactly one year ago almost to the day: https://twitter.com/pyrogeog/status/1172520411436740610
#SpecialSession #SpecialSession #SpecialSession #SpecialSession

Call it! We left too many ideas on the table the other week that had the votes. https://twitter.com/gavinnewsom/status/1304509375554359296
Here are some ideas for a #SpecialSession: https://twitter.com/ethanelkind/status/1304470719451996165
Let’s come up with a package for better fuel load and vegetation management: https://twitter.com/leroywesterling/status/1304506754680512512
Good thread on burn histories of recent fires: https://twitter.com/al_r_wallace/status/1304851118195785728
And yet, the state can’t do it alone. We need federal leadership: https://twitter.com/rigelrobinson/status/1304994839163879430
Unsurprisingly, a lot of the current fires are on federal or private land, not state land: https://twitter.com/BLMca/status/1305197991632879616
CA legislature couldn't even get duplexes done, but long-term maybe the Overton window should open for a discussion about an air rights trading system that could financially incentivize infill in defensible areas and conversion of non-defensible WUI back to nature/firebreaks.
Also worth re-upping this animated GIF from @leroywesterling's research.

WE ARE ON THE RCP 8.5 PATH! If you don't know what that means, you should educate yourself: https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/1101538810008002560
You can follow @kimmaicutler.
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