This photo is of my Great Great Grandmother (my Dad is biracial). She was born in 1890. I wonder what she would have said if someone had told her that her Great Great Grandchildren would be Black and that they’d have an African surname 😂😭💀
If you’re curious to see the photo of the man who added the Nigerian genes to her bloodline, he’s on the right 😂 He married her Grandaughter in 1961.
These two photos are of my Dad’s Grandfather and Great Grandfather - born in 1911 and 1885. My Dad’s Grandfather is half Norwegian and went to Durham University. He graduated in 1929 with first class honours at just 17, making him the youngest student to achieve that at the time.
I have another photo! This is my Paternal-Great Great Great Grandfather (yes, three ‘Greats’). His name was Robert and he was born in 1848 in Durham, England!
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