why stan twitter decided to set P1H’s keeho up before his debut and made up lies about him being racist, anti-black, a stalker and a misogynist just because they were bored: a thread
before y’all come with the “he don’t wanna fuck you” “sToP dEfeNdiNg mEn” and stuff like that: no ❤️ i’m just a human being with a sense of criticism, i check facts before i speak and i don’t immediately jump on the hate bangwadon just for the sake of ruining a man’s career.
before coming with the “keeho harassed/targeted MULTIPLE women and cyberbullied them”

the people who accused him are only two (2):
@/fadxing and @/TRBLDBAEKERY

but the thing is there’s an history with both of them and i’m gonna explain it
first of all, let’s debunk the “keeho is racist” thing:

NONE of the two people said he was ever racist towards them, stan twt really exaggerated to the point he was called ANTI-BLACK for nothing.
y’all love to bring up black people’s issues to drag some kid and have your likes
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