Episode 4 of #LovecraftCountry undoes the series' entire ethos of uplifting minority voices in horror by writing in an intersex/trans two-spirit indigenous character just for shock value and slaughter. This thread is a potent dissection of just how bad it is: https://twitter.com/vaspider/status/1302530699287691266
This is an oversimplification, but there are 3 massive thou shalt nots for trans/intersex characters - and #LovecraftCountry does all of them in 15 minutes!:
1) Do not display their genitals for shock value
2) Do not introduce them just to kill them
3) Do not misgender them
And that's to say nothing of how this reflects on their treatment of indigenous people. It's thoughtless and absurd that a show created and marketed under a banner of woke horror would create a character of so many marginalized backgrounds just to inflict dehumanizing tropes.
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