I follow China pretty close and this is a sign I have been expecting that both gives me Joy yet scares the ever-living heck out of me BC it is still not completely clear where XI stands politically right now.
Let me explain;
Is Pres. Xi going to stand next to Pres. Trump or is he going to stand in the way of Pres. Trump.
There is a lot of conflicting evidence out there that supports both sides of this future scenario. Let's start with Pres. Xi standing with Pres. Trump.
There have been
With all that is happening in China right now it is very evident that China needs America now more than ever, they need our Hogs, Corn, Wheat, Soy beans, now more than ever so it is in Pres. Xi's best interest to conform to the Stage 1 trade deal but this also
means it is in Pres. Xi's best interest to have Joe Biden win the Presidential election because he knows Joe Biden can be bought and controlled easily. I believe Pres. Xi would rather have Pres. Trump remain as POTUS because Pres. Trump has the World's
Pres. Xi understands this but there are still a lot of communist members of Chinas ruling class that want this Great Reset to happen because they know they will be part of this new ruling class and their family's futures will be set.
These are the members
Pres. Xi will wait and see who wins the election and I am sure he is hoping that Biden will somehow win honestly or by the Democrats plan of Mail in Votes and Ballot harvesting that I believe they will not succeed in accomplishing.
After Pre. Trump wins re-election
Pres. Xi will come to the table and agree to any deal Pres. Trump and his cabinet put's in front of him. Pres. Xi knows that Pres. Trump will give him an honest deal that is beneficial to both Country's.
After China signs the Phase 2 Trade Deal, I believe Iran will
be knocking on the White House door wanting to make a deal about their Nuclear program and they will agree and sign any deal he places in front of them.
Now it is just a waiting game so go out and do your duty and Vote! I don't care who you Vote for just get out and Vote on 11/3.
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